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Complete List of PBNU Management for 2022-2027 Period

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

General Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Yahya Cholil Staquf has established a list of administrators who will assist him in the 2022-2027 period. There are names from Said Aqil Siradj to Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul in the ranks of PBNU officials.

This is the first time that there is a female cadre who is believed to be on the daily board of PBNU.

“The composition of the board is a bit fatter than usual. We deliberately designed it in such a way because NU has a very broad constituency,” Yahya said during a press conference, Wednesday (12/1).

The following is a list of PBNU administrators for the 2022-2027 period under the leadership of Yahya Cholil Staquf.

General Chairman: Yahya Cholil Staquf
Vice Chairman:
Zulfa Mustofa
Muhammad Hilal
Nizar Ali
Nusron Wahid

Field Heads
Khofifah Indar Parawansa
Alissa Wahid
Muhammad Mukri
Hasib Wahab Chasbullah
Abdul Hakim Mahful
Ishfah Abidal

Secretary General
Saifullah Yusuf |

deputy of General secretaty
Abudssalam Friend
Sulaiman Tanjung
Maryati Solihah
Najib Azca |
Faisal Zaimima
Abdul Qadir bin Aqil

general Treasurer
Mardani Maming

Ahmad Mustofa Bisri (Chairman)
Ma’ruf Amin
Nurul Huda jazuli
Dimyati Rois
Lutfi bin Yahya
Nafisa Sahal Mahfud
Sinta Nuriyah
Habib Zein bin Umar bin Smith
Said Aqil Siradj

Miftachul Akhyar (Rais Aam)
Deputy Rais Aam: Afifudin Muhadjir
Anwar Iskandar |
Muhammad Mustafa Aqil Siradj
Ali Akbar Marbun
Abun Bunyamin
Muhammad Nuh |
Nazaruddin Umar
Abdul Ghofur Maimoen
Bahaudin Nur Salim

Katib Aam: Said Asrori
Muhammad Afifudin
Hilmi Muhammad
Lutfi bin Muhammad Alatos
Abdul Hofir Rozin
Asrorun Niam Soleh

Previously, Yahya Cholil Staquf was elected general chairman of PBNU for the 2022-2027 period after defeating his competitor, Said Aqil Siroj, who has served two terms.

After being elected, Yahya Cholil Staquf said that his management for the 2022-2027 period would be filled with young cadres. He said young cadres would be dominant when carrying out various NU programs in the future.

“Young NU cadres will appear more,” Yahya said in an interview with CNNIndonesia TV, Wednesday (29/12).


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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