Home » today » World » Complete idiocy! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports the US airstrikes in Syria – 2024-08-28 03:13:58

Complete idiocy! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports the US airstrikes in Syria – 2024-08-28 03:13:58

/ world today news/ Bulgaria accepts the airstrikes of the US armed forces on the airfield of the Syrian Air Force as part of the efforts to solve the problem of chemical weapons in Syria.

This is stated in the official position of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the US missile strike against the Syrian Shaira airport.

“In response to the chemical attack in Syria on April 4 of this year, on April 7, the United States carried out a limited missile strike on Shayrat military airport, Syria. In this regard, on the same date, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and security policy Mogherini published a statement on behalf of the EU, which confirms our consistent common policy on the conflict in Syria. In addition to the position expressed on April 6 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we emphasize that Bulgaria accepts the airstrikes of the US armed forces on a Syrian Air Force base. as part of the efforts to solve the problem of chemical weapons in Syria, the use of which must be stopped. Once again we emphasize the need to quickly reveal and punish the perpetrators of the barbaric act committed on April 4 of this year Sheikhun,” says the position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Bulgaria supports all international efforts aimed at achieving peace and finding a political solution in Syria. Unconditional and full support from the international community is needed for the inter-Syrian negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations in order to conduct effective political negotiations in accordance with resolution 2254 of the UN Security Council and the Geneva Communiqué of 2012,” reads the Bulgarian Ministry’s position at the end.

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