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Complete Digest of the Second Autopsy Results Tangmo Nida’s Body, Whole Teeth, Normal Eyes, But Finds New Facts

GORONTALO TERRACE — Results autopsy second corpse Tangmo Nidawas conducted on Thursday, March 17, 2022, involving 15 forensic experts including Senators ThailandDoctor Pornthip Rojanasunan.

From results autopsy of these two, 15 forensic experts concluded none architect in the head, eye normal and tooth intact corpse Tangmo Nida.

However, 15 forensic experts have discovered new facts on results autopsy second corpse Tangmo Nida.

It’s just that, there is no conclusion that Tangmo Nida killed or had an accident on the Chao Phraya river February 24, 2022.

Reported by Teras Gorontalo from Denpasar Update entitled “Summary of Tangmo Nida’s Second Autopsy Results, No Head Bruises, Whole Teeth, Normal Eyes, But Find This Outhere is the gist results autopsy second time against corpse Tangmo Nida.

Dr. Khun Ying Pornthip Rojanasunand or also known as Porntip Rojanasunan revealed results autopsy second time against body Tangmo Nida that eye corpse the artist is normal, but there is a change after death due to water.

Quoted from Denpasarupdate.com from Thairath, there are some things that are awkward and suspicious that the mother is doubting about Tangmo Nida about her daughter’s body.

Suspicion called by mother Tangmo Nidaamong others wound in the area around the head, face, neck wearing a necklace.

chest under neck, wound foot, wound calves and both indentations, nails on both sides, back, trachea, genitals, clothes worn on the day of death.

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