Weeks ago, complaints surfaced about the behavior of some immigrants staying in New York hotels. Many others were relocated to shelters in the same city.
The complaints that weeks ago were generated after reports that migrants who had recently arrived in New York misused the hotels in which they were temporarily housed, have been disputed by other refugees in the city.
More than 45,000 migrants have arrived in New York City in recent months and have been placed in shelters, and sometimes in hotels that are also used for tourism.
For many who come in search of the American dream, this type of behavior is deplorable.
“Because of them they can do it to all the immigrants who are here,” he told the voice of america an Ecuadorian migrant who identified herself as Marisol. “They should be a little more responsible.”
Also read What difficulties do migrants face with the CBP One app?
One of the most prominent cases was that of the Hotel Row, in the crowded Times Square, where an employee complained about the “monumental disorder” that existed in the rooms occupied by migrants and of which he released photographs that were reproduced by the newspaper The New York Post.
Odalys, a Venezuelan migrant, told the VOA your current situation under pressure from a personal dispute with your spouse.
“I had an argument with my husband, the police called him and so they don’t want to let him in and right now I’m going to go out into the street with my two children, I have a two-year-old baby and a 4-year-old baby.” said the woman who currently lives in a shelter.
Shelter authorities allege there was domestic violence, which Odalys denies.
Also read What benefits and aid can Venezuelans receive with humanitarian parole from the US?
“He never touched me, he never hit me,” she said, describing the conditions imposed on them by management. “They tell me that they give me and my children lodging, but my husband shows up here and they don’t want to let him in, so it’s not fair because he didn’t hit me, those from the shelter [refugio] They called the police.”
The flow of Venezuelan migrants irregularly rose in fiscal year 2022 to historic numbers, but a measure implemented on October 12, 2022 by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, and known as humanitarian words, seems to have stopped dead unauthorized entries, according to data from the Office of Customs and Border Protection (CBP, for its acronym in English).
The cost of contracting hotels to convert them into hostels has increased and according to the mayor’s office, the cost is already over 500 million dollars and could reach 4,000 million dollars in the next fiscal year.
[Con información de Ángela González, corresponsal de VOA desde Nueva York]
They question the behavior of immigrants in New York hotels
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