Home » today » Business » Complaint against EFKA for cutting pensions – 2024-03-08 21:27:31

Complaint against EFKA for cutting pensions – 2024-03-08 21:27:31

ENDISY turns against him seeing signs of fraud against at least 20,000 insured persons in the former TAP-PPC

Evidence of EFKA fraud against at least 20,000 insured persons in the former TAP-PPC, which constitutes at the same time the offense of breach of duty, was discovered by the ever-militant Single Network of Pensioners (ENDISY), which with its complaint is directed against the current administrator of e- EFKA Alexandrou Varveris, the head of the general pensions directorate Eleni Niarchakou, the former administrator Panagiotis Doufexis and also against all competent employees recalculated the pensions.

As it appears from the study of 40 members of ENDISY, the competent services – by “mistake” or… mistake – “forgot” to apply the law and during the recalculation they artificially reduced the awarded pensions, not counting the excessive sums for which insurance contributions were paid since 1994! Thus, based on the calculations, there are differences in the pensions of the TAP-PPC beneficiaries in question which reach up to 440 euros per month and retroactively 13,212 euros that were not paid to the beneficiaries. In particular, all 40 pensioners of TAP-PPC, members of ENDISY, whose case was studied, had paid insurance contributions and excessive fees during their working life (since 01.01.1994). However, and by virtue of Law 4387/2016, known as the Katrougalou Law, these additional insurance contributions paid should have been counted by the e-EFKA in their main pension during their recalculation, which the services “forgot” to do, thus reducing the pensionable salary. As can easily be seen, the EFKA’s “mistake” at the expense of ENDISY’s retired members covers the total number of TAP-PPC retirees, which is estimated to exceed 20,000.

What are they entitled to?

According to the existing insurance legislation, which has been artificially hidden under the carpet so that these increases are not given to the beneficiaries, the old insured (before 1.1.1993) who fall under the heavy and unhealthy professions of TAP-PPC are entitled to the increase of the heavy and unhealthy for each percentage unit (1%) of contribution that exceeds the total percentage of insured and employer contributions in the pension sector and reinsurance of heavy professions of the corresponding categories of employees-subject to IKA-ETAM.

Thus, two categories of affected by the “errors” of the EFKA in the recalculation arise:
Those insured by TAP-PPC left with “special” provisions. They are only entitled to the increase for each percentage unit (1%) of contribution that exceeds the total percentage of insured and employer contributions in the pension sector and reinsurance of heavy professions of the corresponding categories of employees-subject to IKA-ETAM.
Those who left with the general provisions. They can benefit from the increase in article 30 par. 1 of law 4387/2016 (so increased compared to the previous ones).

Guilty silence

The whole issue has been known to the defendants since 27.12.2023, when an out-of-court summons and protest was served by ENDISY, by which the services were asked to correct the “mistake” by order of the commander Al. Barber. However, until the day of the filing of the petition, the Network had no information about what the EFKA services will do. Specifically, as stated in this regard: “…despite our repeated written and verbal complaints to the complainant, he has been deaf for many months and has not responded in any way to our reasonable and legal requests. The incorrect calculation of the above causes us irreparable and lasting financial damage, because it directly affects the compensatory part of our pension, a fact that we have repeatedly underlined to the mentioned legal entity with our out-of-court statement that has also been communicated to the Minister of Labor and Social Security but to this day he ignores us ostentatiously and without justification”.

With these illegal and illegal calculations, the EFKA appears surplus for 2024 and the relevant ministers are celebrating the progress of the economy through the “health” of the insurance system. In more detail, based on what the EFKA Board of Directors has approved since the end of last year, a general total of revenues of 49.47 billion euros and a total of 48.57 billion euros of expenses are forecast for the current year, based on the reinterpreted final result of the year ( without the income from financial transactions) to give a surplus of 863.8 million euros.

The Network calculates the loss of the beneficiaries

ENDISY invites all TAP-PPC pensioners to contact the Network in order to calculate the additional premium for heavy and extra heavy stamps and for the pensioner to know the damage caused by the “error” of the EFKA services.

“ENDISY with the working groups and in cooperation with the programmers has already made a program applying the law and takes out the differences of each pensioner who is entitled to receive” the president of ENDISY Nikos Hatzopoulos says in this regard in Documento. It is worth mentioning that with the same procedure (out-of-court summons that was not answered and then a lawsuit report) the former EFKA commander P. Doufexis was forced to apply the law and proceed with a correction of the calculation of the parallel pension increase, as a result of which an amendment was issued decision and that the beneficiaries receive the retroactive benefits from 2016 and an average pension increase of 470 euros per month.

Read also: Mitsotakis Government: “They are stealing” 236,274 supplementary pensions

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