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Competition on Facebook and Instagram WHO WE WERE …

The organizer of this competition is Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH, hereinafter referred to as DK Verlag.

The competition has no connection to Facebook or Instagram and is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by Facebook or Instagram.

(1) Persons of legal age are eligible to participate. The employees of DK Verlag and their relatives are excluded from participation.

(2) The following prize can be won:
There are five competition packages each on Facebook and Instagram, consisting of two cinema tickets for the film “Who We Were” in German cinemas and a copy of the book “Who We Were” to be won.

(3) Participation in the competition is possible up to and including Wednesday, August 4th, 2021. It is done by answering the question via the comment function of the competition posting. The lot decides among all answers. The winners will be informed in writing via a private message. The participants will be notified of the end of the competition via the comment function of the competition posting on Facebook and Instagram.

(4) The data submitted for participation will not be passed on to third parties by DK Verlag and will only be used in connection with the competition. This does not include the data of the winners, which are only passed on to the sponsors for the purpose of handling the competition. The data will only be used for the dispatch, the notification of a possible profit or the keeping of a possible profit. The general data protection guidelines of Dorling Kindersley GmbH apply to all participants.

(5) DK Verlag expressly reserves the right to exclude participants who violate the present conditions of participation, gain an advantage through manipulation or provide false personal information from participation in the ongoing competition. This can also be done retrospectively.

(6) A claim for cash payment of a prize is excluded. A transfer of the prizes is not possible. DK Verlag is not liable for legal and / or material defects. DK Verlag does not guarantee the quality or properties of the prizes.

(7) DK Verlag is not liable for damage caused by errors, delays or interruptions in the transmission, malfunctions in the technical systems and services, incorrect content, loss or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way when participating in the competition can arise.

(8) DK Verlag reserves the right to cancel or end the competition at any time without prior notice and without giving reasons. DK Verlag makes use of this option in particular if, for technical reasons (e.g. viruses in the computer system, manipulation or errors in the hardware and / or software) or for legal reasons, proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed. If such a termination is caused by the behavior of a participant, DK Verlag can demand compensation from this person for the damage incurred.

(9) DK Verlag is also not liable for errors in the transmission of data, theft, use or destruction as well as unauthorized access and changes to participant data, damage to the computer of a participant or any other person resulting from participation in the competition.

(10) The judges’ decision is final.

(11) Click here for the imprint.

(12) Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be wholly or partially ineffective, this does not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions. In this case, DK Verlag tries to replace the ineffective provision with an effective provision that comes as close as possible to the intended purpose of the wholly or partially ineffective provision of the conditions of participation.

(13) The competition is valid for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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