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Competition. Most beautiful station in France: Metz in quarters!

It’s go again ! The competition for the most beautiful station in France has continued since December 4. It is organized by Gares & Connexions. Metz, the most beautiful station in 2017 and 2018, defends its title. So far, things are going pretty well. The building, inaugurated in 1908, long considered “kolossal” and ugly, won the votes. She swept Marseille Saint-Charles in 16is final, then Lille-Flandres in 8is. This is to say if it has a loyal and motivated audience.

The quarter-final opposes him to Rouen Rive-Droite, which beat Strasbourg station. Please note, it started this Wednesday, January 6, at 11 a.m., and ends this Thursday, January 7 at the same time. To vote, go to Facebook Stations & Connections. If it wins against the Norman nugget, it will face either Valenciennes or Reims, in the semi-final. A Grand Est semi-final, what a luxury! Then, she could well still be faced in the final in Limoges, as in 2018. She had also won in 2017, against La Rochelle, which she had set in stone!

Okay, now some station fans think it could be prettier if… the lightning rod wire was moved. It was, in fact, reinstalled this fall, right on a statue!

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