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Competition in the Credit Card Segment Keeps HSBC Mexico’s Placement Trend Strong

Competition in the segment Credit cards will maintain the placement trend of new plastics at HSBC Mexicoso neither the inflation nor the increase in Reference rate will slow down the pace that this segment has registered this year.

In a conference to present the new options that the women with credit card to defer purchases in seven items for up to 24 months at a rate of 19.9 percent, Jorge Jáuregui, executive director of Means of Payment and Acquirer of HSBC Mexicoindicated that the competition that has been generated by attracting new cardholders by the banking industrywhich offer promotions, pre-sales and new experiences, has kept the placement.

“The number of Credit cardsAlthough it is growing at good rates, it is below countries in the region that have fewer inhabitants than Mexico; growth is responsibly, the banks have indicators of credit card totally under control”, assured Jáuregui.

In this sense, the executive explained that the mercado It still has room to continue growing in this area, so it ruled out that this trend changes in the case of banco.

For his part, Stefan Dobner, Managing Director of Customers, Acquisition, Marketing and CRM at HSBC, indicated that the Women to the World program that operates in Mexico and in Argentina they seek to promote the women’s businessand the new Divídelos service that they will offer in our country is aimed at all women who have a credit card contracted with the bank.

Said program consists of giving deferred payment options at a fixed rate, which they can use in the hospital itemsas pharmacymedical and funeral services, legal advice, automotive maintenance and home improvements, education y medical attention the expenses for pets.

2023-07-13 10:47:46
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