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Compensation program for small and medium-sized soybean and corn producers benefits nearly 1,800 producers

For agriculture. 29/12/2022 | 10:12

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation informs that resolution 276/2022 was published today in the Official Gazette with the list of the 1,754 beneficiaries of the compensation program for small and medium-sized soybean and corn producers , with a total contribution of 1,730 million dollars.

In this sense, Bahillo underlined that “the good news shown by these numbers is that many small and medium-sized producers entered the program to increase exports in September, a goal that had been questioned by some sectors”.

“The PIE not only did not come late, but actually confirms the success of the measure, which has allowed producers to liquidate soybeans at a more competitive value and increase the country’s reserves,” Bahillo said, noting that “at the same time, with this strengthening of the program, it has been achieved that those who have not actually managed to sell, the State compensates them with this benefit for small and medium-sized producers of soybeans and corn”.

It should be noted that the requirements to access the benefit had to be registered in the Simplified Agricultural Information System (SISA); have declared in SISA, up to and including 30 September, for the 2021/22 marketing year, an area under cultivation of soybeans of up to 400 hectares, and/or an area under cultivation of maize up to 100 hectares; have not had any soybean sales between September 5 and 30, 2022; and have no inventories/soybean inventories as of September 30, 2022.

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