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Comparing Grand Admiral Thrawn: Legends vs. Canon

Grand Admiral Thrawn is one of my absolute favorite characters in Star Wars.

Now the fact is that the original Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, The Dark Side of the Force and The Last Command) is legends, but he created another trilogy (Thrawn, Thrawn Alliances, Thrawn Betrayal), which canon is, the third part of which will be published this year.

Which “variant” of dear Mit’hrawnoroudo do you prefer? The original or the canonical one? I’m referring less to Rebels, since I haven’t watched much of it (and what I did watch was only because of Thrawn).

Does the Thrawn from Timothy Zahn’s new works feel like the one from the original Thrawn trilogy to you?

Personally, I like both Thrawns, but what do you think?

2023-11-05 21:26:23
#good #Star #Wars #novels

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