The country’s current mobility study provides interesting insights into regional characteristics. The Pongau residents cover the longest distances on a working day, with an average of 55.5 kilometers, and in Lungau people use the car comparatively often. In the city of Salzburg, the proportion of bicycles is – as expected – exceptionally high.
Salzburg residents cover 3.4 journeys per day
On average, Salzburg residents make 3.4 journeys per working day. These include, for example, the morning walk to the bakery, the bus ride to work and the parental pick-up service from the children’s evening activities, according to a statement from the state. How far the distances are varies from district to district.
In the city of Salzburg, an average of 28 kilometers is covered on a working day, which is the lowest value in the country. In Flachgau (43 kilometers), in Tennengau (47.3) and in Pinzgau, the 40-kilometer mark has already been clearly broken. However, when it comes to the daily distance traveled, the people in Lungau (50.4 kilometers) and Pongau (55.5 kilometers) are clearly ahead.
Pongau is also ahead in terms of daily travel time with 103 minutes. However, it is impressive to see that distance and duration do not automatically go hand in hand. Because despite the distances being almost half as long, the people of Salzzburg spend 87 minutes on the road every day. Lungau residents spend the least amount of time on their routes at 81 minutes. The Flachgau (91), the Tennengau (93) and the Pinzgau (98) are over an hour and a half away.
This is where people pedal most often
Another interesting observation comes from comparing the average duration of the individual paths. In Lungau, almost half of all journeys (47 percent) take less than ten minutes, and in Pinzgau it is 40 percent. This is followed by Pongau (36 percent), Flachgau and Tennengau (35 each) and the city of Salzburg, where “only” 29 percent of all journeys take less than ten minutes.
When divided between the various means of transport, it can be seen that the people of Salzzburg make around 23 percent of their journeys by bike. This puts the state capital clearly ahead of Tennengau (10.6 percent), Flachgau (9.9), Pinzgau (9.3) and Lungau (6). Electric or conventional bikes are least likely to be unpacked in Pongau (4.8 percent).
When it comes to the proportion of car journeys in total, people in Lungau are clearly ahead at 58.1 percent. In general, more than half of all journeys are made by car – in Pongau it is 53.3 percent, in Pinzgau 52.9, in Tennengau 51.4 and in Flachgau 50.8. The only exception is the city of Salzburg, where only 29.6 percent of their journeys are made by car.
There is more shopping in Salzburg city
The purposes for which trips are made differ only very slightly in the districts from the national average, which shows, among other things, 24 percent each for work and leisure trips, 15 percent for shopping, 11 percent for private errands and 9 percent for training purposes. However, there is one noticeable thing: in the city of Salzburg, 18 percent of all trips are dedicated to shopping and “only” 21 percent to work.
(Source: SALZBURG24)
2023-11-17 21:31:39
#Compared #Salzburg #Pongauers #spend #longest #time #road #day