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Company welcome booklet: a real onboarding tool!

We can never talk enough about theimportance de l’onboarding for new recruits. If you do not yet know what onboarding is, I invite you to take a look at our many articles on the subject.

Successful onboarding is theassurance of giving all the keys to your new employee to familiarize and fit in quickly with his new working environment. And this integration is also important from a distance, but how to do it?

Among the various ideas for quality onboarding, the welcome booklet can be particularly interesting, even when your teams are working remotely!

  • On the business side: it allows you to centralize all practical and administrative information in a single document of your company. Easy to update, it is reusable for all arrivals, and avoids being forgotten with each new presentation.
  • Employee side: this document will be the link with your company throughout its first weeks in the organization. It will serve as reference document, in which the newcomer will find all the useful information (because we all know it, the first days in a company are very dense in information!)

So what do you put in an onboarding booklet? What information does your new employee want to find? Focus on this transversal tool, facilitator of exchange in business.

When to present this welcome booklet?

Directly on the first day of the employee’s arrival! The first day is crucial for the image of your company, and it is up to you to put the employee in the best possible conditions for a discovery of your activity and your teams in the best conditions.

22% of employee turnover occurs within the first 45 days of their contract… and 1 in 5 people quit their job … because they don’t feel well integrated!

Exit the awkward first hours of taking up a post, use this welcome booklet as a welcome rite and don’t forget to provide it to your new colleagues who can consult it at any time during their first weeks (and even later!). It’s a a guarantee of transparency which gives reinsurance elements on internal organization.

Practical and administrative information

This booklet is above all a informative tool which will allow your employee to know your business and to be autonomous quickly. You can therefore include:

  • A brief presentation of your company: description of your services, sector of activity, market, competitors … the idea is to understand in a few words what you do.
  • The organization chart: nothing better to understand the internal structuring of services and their place in the organization. If you are in a large structure and you cannot detail each of the roles of the collaborators, at least display the different departments and the name of the local manager.
  • Practical information: opening hours, alarm process, company address, switchboard number … are all information that interests a new employee on a daily basis
  • Useful contacts: the HR, the CSE, the IT manager or even the first-aiders must be identified by the new recruit as soon as he is onboarding, to know who to contact in case of need. And with a photo, it’s always better!

Company values ​​and internal life

Beyond your practical information, this welcome booklet is a real opportunity for you to familiarize your new recruit with internal life of the company, your values, and the general atmosphere. So don’t forget to include:

  • The values ​​of the company: a true pillar of internal life and performance-related ambitions, the values ​​must be known to all employees. They are the foundation of the business. Being in tune with these values ​​is the assurance of having a committed and reliable employee on whom you can count.
  • Some photos of moments of internal cohesion: all the elements that promote team spirit will of course be the most appreciated … With 1,620 hours spent in the office per year, we might as well make sure that the atmosphere is pleasant and stimulating for everyone! Especially since beyond the salary and the position, the atmosphere is one of the elements most sought after by working people today.

As you will have understood, this tool allows you toinitiate a link between management, HR and employees. Caring for onboarding is to promote not only integration, but also loyalty and theemployee impregnation to company values. And as at Eurécia, we only do things halfway, we offer you a Welcome booklet PowerPoint template very easy to fill in with your information, to create in a few clicks your own welcome booklet ! smiley

I download the model

A booklet and then that’s it?

No, we should not be satisfied with this tool to make a living experience for your new employees. To involve recruits in your organization and get them to share the culture of your company, do not hesitate to share the daily life of your teams over time. Several tools are at your disposal: intranet, software for office life, internal communication tools … The choice is yours!

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