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Company social counseling in Bremen: support for employees

The world of work is becoming increasingly complex, and many employees are faced with challenges that affect both their everyday professional life and their private life. In Bremen, companies from a wide range of industries come together and company social advice often plays an increasingly important role.

What is company social counseling?

Ute Seemann-Herbst from the company medical center is a systemic consultant in the area of ​​company social counseling in Bremen. Tjark Worthmann

This form of support not only offers concrete help in difficult life situations, but also contributes to the long-term health and performance of the workforce. But what exactly is behind corporate social counseling and why should companies in Bremen use this service? Company social counseling is an offer that companies make available to their employees to help them Dealing with personal, professional and social problems to support. The aim is to promote the mental and social health of the workforce and thereby increase job satisfaction and productivity. In Bremen, many companies – from medium-sized businesses to large corporations – offer such consulting services and work with external experts like this Bremen company medical center together.

“In company social counseling, the focus is on people. When stress occurs, we can use our knowledge to help develop solutions to better deal with psychosocial crises,” says Ute Seemann-Herbst from the company medical center in the Hanseatic city. The systemic consultant has extensive knowledge of the various challenges that can arise in the work environment. “Our good contacts to the right offers of help In an emergency, we provide support quickly and quickly.” Secrecy about the processes is a given: “Our currency is confidentiality and secrecy,” promises Seemann-Herbst.

What topics does the consultation cover?

The challenges that employees face can be very diverse. Typical topics that are addressed in company social counseling in Bremen include:

  • Stress management and burnout prevention: Particularly in today’s working world, psychological stress due to increasing demands and time pressure is not uncommon. Counseling helps employees recognize and deal with stress.
  • Family and relationship problems: Conflicts in the private environment, such as separations, family concerns or caring for relatives, can have a significant impact on work performance. The company social counseling service offers support here and, if necessary, also refers you to external offers of help.
  • Addiction problems: Addictive behavior, be it alcohol, drug or gambling addiction, can have serious consequences for employees and the company. Company social counseling offers confidential help and supports those affected in finding suitable therapy options.
  • Financial worries: Debt or financial bottlenecks put a strain on many people, especially in economically uncertain times. Social counselors in Bremen can provide valuable assistance here, for example through debt advice or by arranging contacts with advice centers.
  • Conflicts in the workplace: Tensions between colleagues or with superiors are also common topics in social counseling. The advice from the Bremen company medical center supports conflict resolution and promotes healthy communication within the company.

What advantages does company social counseling offer in Bremen?

Company social counseling in BremenCompany social counseling in Bremen can help your head and body. Tjark Worthmann

Satisfied and healthy employees make a significant contribution to the success of the company. Studies show that employees who have access to company social counseling have fewer absences due to illness and are generally more motivated. Companies in Bremen that invest in the health of their employees benefit in the long term. “One functioning company social advice “It not only ensures greater satisfaction, but also a stronger bond with the company,” says the expert.

In addition, such an internal advice center improves the working atmosphere. Employees know that they will be helped in difficult situations, which in turn strengthens their trust in the company. Especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, this can be a decisive advantage in retaining qualified employees and attracting new talent.

Company social advice from experts creates trust

In Bremen there are both internal and external solutions for company social advice. While larger companies often employ their own departments or social workers, small and medium-sized companies often rely on external consultants. This is also in the Range of services provided by the Bremen company medical center. Internal social advisors have the advantage that they know the working conditions and structures of the company exactly. “We are regularly on site and are available to employees at any time. This closeness can promote trust in the advice,” says the systemic consultant from the Hanseatic city. External specialists in company social counseling, on the other hand, offer the advantage of independence. Employees sometimes feel freer to talk about their concerns if the advisor is not part of the company.

Prevention is an important part of counseling

Prevention is also an essential part of company social counseling in Bremen. Companies are increasingly relying on measures that prevent stress and health problems in advance. This includes workshops on topics such as stress management, resilience training or time management. The range of sports and relaxation programs – such as yoga or meditation – is already being used by many Bremen companies to achieve this to promote the mental and physical health of the workforce and ensure a healthy working atmosphere. “People who work together cause trouble for each other,” reports Ute Seemann-Herbst from her everyday work in the company. According to the expert, it is understandable that there are sometimes peaks in stress.

Whether internal or external advice – the decision also depends on the size of the company and the specific requirements. It is important that employees have trust in the advisory services and perceive them as real support. Company social counseling can therefore provide assistance to every company in Bremen and help people in a confidential and individual way.

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