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companies will have to support masks for their employees

What there is to know :

France recorded 493 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours this Monday evening, against 3,015 the day before. At the same time, 19 deaths are to be deplored, bringing the toll to 30,429 since the start of the epidemic.

– The Minister of Labor Élisabeth Borne wants to make the company mask in meetings and hallways.

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And immediately:

2 p.m. An epidemiologist recommends the cancellation of all family celebrations in closed places

An epidemiologist asked about Europe 1 considers that family celebrations should be avoided, especially in closed places, because they are the breeding ground for contaminations of seniors by the youngest. Dr Martin Blachier advises not to participate in large family events, such as weddings. ” All family celebrations in closed places, they must be canceled », Recommends the doctor.

13:50. “Sacrifices” for the return to school in Italy

Italy, which is trying to halt a rebound in the Covid-19 pandemic, will make the ” sacrifices “Necessary to ensure the start of the school year in mid-September,” said the Italian Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, worried about the contaminations on the rise among ” young people “. He ordered the closing of nightclubs and the wearing of masks in the evening in frequented public places.

1:45 p.m. In Asia and the Pacific, the coronavirus is spread by those under 50

People who are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms of Covid-19 are at risk of infecting the elderly or vulnerable, the WHO’s Western Pacific region director said during a virtual press briefing. ” The epidemic is changing. People in their 20s, 30s and 40s are increasingly at the root of the threat “, he said.

1:40 p.m. Worshipers quarantined in Seoul

Thousands of members of a Protestant Church in Seoul have been placed in quarantine after the emergence of outbreaks of Covid-19 contamination linked to religious communities, according to the authorities.

13 hours. The mask in companies will be the responsibility of the company

The mask becomes personal protective equipment then the responsibility of the company, details Franceinfo. Companies will therefore have to take charge of them and provide them to you.

12:52. Wearing a mask becomes compulsory in companies from September 1

From September 1, you will have to wear your mask in business. Everywhere, except in individual offices, Franceinfo reports. Concretely, employees will have to wear their masks wherever we are likely to cross, details the media, including in open spaces. To make this decision, the Minister of Labor relied on the opinion of the High Council of Public Health.

11:57 a.m. Coronavirus: 3 cases confirmed at OM, the opening match of L1 scheduled for Friday is postponed

The confirmation on Tuesday of three new cases of players positive for Covid-19 at Olympique de Marseille, bringing the affected numbers to four, resulted in the postponement of the opening match of Ligue 1 on Friday against Saint-Etienne.

This blow is harsh and raises many questions about the harmonious holding of a French championship that the Covid had definitively stopped in March.

11:55 am. Le Touquet bans gatherings in the second part of the night

After the weekend health gaps, the city hardens a little more the tone. Gatherings on public roads will be prohibited between 3:30 a.m. and 6 a.m. from this Tuesday evening.

11:30 am. Wattrelos: a Covid screening organized this Thursday at the Salengro room

This Thursday, we can get tested for free and without meet at the Roger-Salengro room.

10:55 am. Flip-flop on exams in the UK

Faced with the scolding of dropouts, the British government on Monday operated a spectacular about-face on the assessment of students, massively improving the results, deemed unfair, of exams that had been disrupted by the pandemic.

10 hours. L1: the 3 cases of Covid-19 at OM confirmed, uncertainty about the opening match

The three suspected cases of Covid-19 within the Olympique de Marseille team have been confirmed, the club announced on Twitter on Tuesday morning, threatening the holding of the Ligue 1 opening match on Friday against Saint-Etienne .

After the case announced Thursday, this brings to 4 the number of cases within OM, the threshold from which the Professional Football League (LFP) can decide to postpone a match. OM announces on Twitter to have “transmitted all the elements to the LFP”.

9 hours. Malta closes bars and nightclubs

The authorities of the island of Malta on Monday ordered the closure of discos, night bars, concert halls and sports clubs in an attempt to stem the rise in contamination with the new coronavirus.

8:15 am. Marks and Spencer chain of stores announces 7,000 job cuts

British retail chain Marks and Spencer on Tuesday announced it would cut 7,000 jobs over the next three months due to the impact of the pandemic and a drop in store footfall.

The group, which employs more than 80,000 people worldwide, explains in a press release that these workforce reductions will mainly be on a voluntary basis or through early retirement. Marks and Spencer intends to adapt to changing consumer habits and focus on its online activities.

7.40 am. Air traffic heavily impacted

With 2.4 million passengers welcomed, commercial air traffic in Paris in July did not reach a quarter of its level of a year ago, due to the coronavirus crisis, the airport manager of Paris said on Monday. Roissy and Orly, ADP.

Irish airline Ryanair for its part announced a 20% reduction in the number of its flights in September and October, citing a drop in bookings due to a resurgence of cases of the new coronavirus in Europe.

6:55 am. Extended restrictions in Spain

The closure of nightclubs and the ban on smoking in the streets were extended Monday to new regions of Spain to curb the rebound in contaminations, the day after a demonstration by opponents of these restrictions.

Andalusia (south), Castile and Leon (center), Galicia and Cantabria (north) officially took these measures on Monday, already in force since Sunday in La Rioja (north) and the region of Murcia (south -est), or six of Spain’s 17 regions.

6:15 am. Increase in hospitalizations in France

The number of hospital admissions for Covid-19 in France continued to increase on Monday, and the number of patients in intensive care has rebounded significantly, according to figures released by the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

6 hours. A case of reinfection in the Philippines?

Philippine Interior Minister Eduardo Ano tested positive for the coronavirus five months after being diagnosed with the disease, authorities said on Monday, trying to determine if he was re-infected.

5:45 am. More than 770,000 dead worldwide

The pandemic has killed at least 770,429 people around the world since the end of December, according to a report established on Monday by AFP from official sources. More than 21.7 million cases have been recorded, of which nearly 13.4 million have been cured.

The United States is the most bereaved country with more than 170,453 deaths. Brazil follows with 108,536 dead, Mexico (56,757), India (50,921) and the United Kingdom (41,366).

5:30 am. Postponement of elections in New Zealand

The legislative elections in New Zealand, initially scheduled for September 19, are postponed to October 17 due to a return of the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Monday.

5:15 am. Faced with the health crisis, Macron calls on the French to be vigilant and to unity

Emmanuel Macron called the French on Monday to be vigilant « faced with a virus that accelerates “And” unity », Drawing a parallel with the spirit that led to the liberation of France 76 years ago.

5 hours. Less than 500 new cases in France

France recorded 493 new cases of coronavirus in 24 hours this Monday evening, against 3,015 the day before. At the same time, 19 deaths are to be deplored, bringing the toll to 30,429 since the start of the epidemic. ” In mainland France, the number of new cases of COVID per 100,000 inhabitants (incidence) is increasing in all age groups. The increase is particularly marked among 25-35 year olds, indicates Public Health France. At the same time, the number of people hospitalized for COVID has been on the rise for 3 weeks, especially among those under 40. »

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