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Companies should keep this in mind when working in a hybrid manner

The age of hybrid work has begun. This is accompanied by new conditions and challenges for companies. Dell Technologies sheds light on the characteristics of the form of work and gives tips on how companies can deal with it.

Home office or office presence: you need both

First of all, Dell emphasizes that companies position themselves better in the competition for talent if they offer hybrid forms of work. Employees appreciate the flexibility of the home office. Private appointments or tasks that require a home presence can be carried out more easily. In addition, the work-life balance benefits from the fact that there is no need to travel to and from work.

But it should be taken into account that not every employee has a quiet place to work at home. The spatial distance further inhibits the chance exchange of knowledge. Therefore, it makes sense to keep an eye on the living conditions of the employees and give them the choice between home office and office presence.

1. Home office saves operating costs for the office

One advantage of hybrid work: More people in the home office mean less need for office space and equipment. This saves companies operating costs, which, according to Dell, can be significant in metropolitan areas.

2. New requirements for IT equipment

Companies should identify the requirement profiles of different groups of people and locations in order to find out which equipment is required. Important questions can be: Is there a permanent change between home office and office? Do we need a device optimized for mobility? Does a notebook bring more than a compact PC for the home office? Do you need a touch-enabled device?

A notebook alone is often not enough for productive work in the home office. The workplace at home should meet ergonomic requirements and be designed for frequent virtual meetings. In addition to a laptop, this also requires monitors, docking stations, headsets and webcams.

In order to save space in the office with hybrid working, it is advisable to rely on desk sharing concepts. Uniform equipment and a smart booking tool for managing these workplaces help here. In addition, investments can be used longer over several users and life cycles.

The use of collaboration tools is generally recommended for hybrid work – most of you will have already noticed. But it makes sense not to use these tools just for task-related meetings. They should also be used for team building, for example for regular virtual “coffee pot meetings”.

3. New challenges for the IT department

In order to protect the IT service, devices for hybrid work can be delivered completely ready for use. Companies should also consider a concept for remote maintenance and management. If the devices are well configured, employees don’t have to do more than connect, switch on and get started. The integration of processes for replacement or repair is also recommended.

Working from home is not only a challenge at the IT level. Leading the teams also has new requirements. Find out here how leadership also works from the home office.

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