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Companies neglect training on AI

95 percent of companies offer their employees opportunities for further training. However, 71 percent of companies currently do not offer any training on the mega-topic of artificial intelligence, according to a study.

Anyone who wants to secure their professional future must continue to educate themselves. Many training courses take place online.

Continuing education

Almost all companies consider the further training of their employees to be important. This was confirmed by 93 percent of respondents from 500 companies in the current TÜV training studyAccording to the study, 92 percent of companies are primarily concerned with maintaining their competitiveness.


For the study, those responsible for further training, managing directors, CEOs and board members of 500 companies with at least 20 employees in Germany were surveyed from October to December 2023.

Only twelve percent have completed AI training

It is all the more surprising that, given the hype surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), only twelve percent of the companies surveyed have had employees take part in AI training courses. Six percent are actually planning and ten percent are still determining the need for AI training.


The results of the study also show that 39 percent of the HR managers surveyed expect a sharp increase in the need for further training in AI in the coming years. In addition, a good one in four sees a wide range of possible uses for AI in their own company (27 percent). And last but not least, 13 percent also assume that AI applications will replace many of the employees’ activities.

AI is not just for IT experts

Joachim Bühler, Managing Director of the TÜV Association, advises: “Companies should now start to seize the opportunities offered by AI and prepare their employees for the changes in the world of work.” Not only do IT experts need to be taught specific AI qualifications, but other employees also need user knowledge of AI tools such as Chat GPT, Gemini, Midjourney or DeepL.

In general, the companies surveyed see the greatest need for further training in industry- and job-specific skills (63 percent), closely followed by improving employees’ leadership skills (62 percent). 56 percent of respondents also see a great need for training in soft skills and personal development.

Other key findings of the survey

  • 77 percent of the companies surveyed grant employees three or more days per year for further training.
  • 75 percent offer training to all employees, 20 percent only for certain positions/departments.
  • 62 percent grant employees a training budget of up to 1,000 euros per year.
  • 56 percent prefer combined online and face-to-face learning formats.

Many companies without a clear training strategy

Although the need for further training is clearly high, the study shows that a good two thirds of companies (68 percent) do not have a clear further training strategy. Although they recognize their own responsibility for professional training, at the same time they would like more support from politicians. 75 percent of those surveyed feel poorly informed about funding opportunities. And 94 percent demand that small and medium-sized companies in particular receive more support for further training.

In this context, Joachim Bühler refers to the Federal Government’s National continuing education strategywhich must now be implemented quickly. The plan announced by Labour Minister Hubertus Heil Part-time education is an important step to give employees more time and financial security for professional training.

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