Home » today » Business » Companies in Baden-Württemberg are calling for later retirement – SWR Aktuell

Companies in Baden-Württemberg are calling for later retirement – SWR Aktuell

The population is getting older. This is troubling the pension funds. At the same time, companies lack skilled workers. The topic of retirement is a constant source of debate.

Human life expectancy is increasing. This has an impact on the pension funds. The economy is also complaining about an increasing shortage of skilled workers. This fuels the discussion about the retirement age. Baden-Württemberg companies expect that people will be able to retire later due to the shortage of skilled workers. “In view of the provision in old age on the one hand, but also in view of the shortage of skilled workers on the other hand, we will all have to work longer again in the future,” said the general manager of the Employers’ Association of Entrepreneurs Baden-Württemberg (UBW), Peer-Michael Dick, in Stuttgart . He did not name a specific new retirement age.

“We will all have to work longer hours again in the future,” says Peer-Michael Dick, employers’ association in BW.


Overall metal boss Stefan Wolf had already pleaded last summer for a gradual increase in the retirement age to 70 years. At the time, economists supported the initiative, while the trade unions criticized it. UBW General Manager Dick now said that because of the lack of young skilled workers, it was important for companies that older workers contribute their skills and experience to everyday work for longer. In addition, it is also a question of justice to involve older age groups more. “Live longer means work longer,” says Dick.

The retirement age in Germany is currently rising to 67

In Germany, the retirement age is to be gradually increased from 65 to 67. For those born in 1964 or later, the standard retirement age of 67 definitely applies. A further increase is not planned so far.

Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) had clearly rejected a higher age in the past. UBW employer representative Dick also justified his initiative with the fact that working life must be extended, also with a view to later starting a career. The trainees are now on average 20 years old when they start. That’s too late. In addition, the number of training and study dropouts must be significantly reduced.

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