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Companies Give Traffic Light Coalition’s Economic Policy Low Marks

Companies would give the traffic light’s economic policy even lower marks.
Image: Ricardo Wiesinger

Nine out of ten companies find the federal government without a concept. They complain about bad schools, bureaucracy and lame authorities. Supporters of the SPD and the Greens see it more positively – FDP supporters do not.

DBefore the summer, the traffic light coalition had resolved to argue less and work together better. But it is not just the results of the most recent state elections in Bavaria and Hesse that suggest that there is a problem. In a new representative study by Forsa for employers’ associations, the traffic light also received a miserable rating. 88 percent of companies and 79 percent of the total population believe that the federal government has “no well-thought-out concepts” to deal with the negative consequences of the current crises.

Translated into school grades, it looks like this for the government in the study: Companies rate their work on average with a grade of 4.6 – which is a little worse than the general population with a grade of 4.4. Only supporters of the SPD and the Greens are more lenient in their judgment, giving the government a rating of 3 minus. The FDP supporters, however, see it like the population.

2023-10-16 15:51:56
#Traffic #light #survey #ten #companies #government #concept

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