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Companies belonging to the IHK are invited to vote

Around 69,000 IHK-affiliated companies from Mainfranken are called upon to elect the “Parliament of Economy” from among themselves. In addition to the General Assembly, this autumn the company representatives will also re-elect the five IHK committees in the districts of Bad Kissingen, Haßberge, Kitzingen, Main-Spessart and Rhön-Grabfeld. The following information is taken from the IHK press release.

All IHK members have until July 8 to view the voter lists. Only those who are entered in it can vote or be elected. IHK President Dr. Klaus D. Mapara recommends that the representatives of the Main Franconian companies check the allocation of their constituency in the lists, because every company can only vote within its constituency.

Entrepreneurs belonging to the IHK who are not yet listed in the voters’ list have the option of submitting a written objection to the voters’ list to the IHK Electoral Committee by July 15, 2022 (Electoral Committee of the IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Postfach 58 40, 97064 Würzburg, Fax : 0931 4194-333, email: [email protected]). The electoral committee decides on these objections, which also formally determines the final list of voters at a later point in time.

The voter lists are broken down by constituency and constituency. They are available in the IHK main office in Würzburg and in the IHK office in Schweinfurt and can be viewed during opening hours.

The further schedule for the IHK election, which will take place in the written procedure, looks as follows: The IHK members who are entitled to vote can submit nominations for their electoral group by July 29th at the latest. The lists of candidates for each constituency are published in a special edition of the IHK magazine “Wirtschaft in Mainfranken” in September and also on the IHK website. In mid-September, the companies entitled to vote will automatically receive the voting documents by post.

The ballot papers must be received by the IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt within the voting period from September 15 to October 13, 2022. The result of the election will then be announced in the November issue of “Wirtschaft in Mainfranken” after it has been determined by the election committee. The newly elected General Assembly will hold its constituent session in January 2023.

The detailed election announcement by the election committee was published in the May issue of the IHK magazine “Wirtschaft in Mainfranken” and can also be viewed on the Internet at www.ihkwahl-mainfranken.de.

Information on the IHK election 2022: Mathias Plath, phone: (0931) 4194-313, email: [email protected] and Cornelia Becker-Folk, phone: (0931) 4194-383, email: cornelia. [email protected]

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