crisis.Jonathan: Organizations thatmake a difference to helpto others.besides the food banks,many Hispanic familiesdepend on the refrigeratorscommunity that have been seenshocked.hope: you could a keeper of refrigerators.damaris: millions of peoplehave been left with nothing sincethat led the pandemic. manyfamilies are still without powerbuy the basic forfeed.thanks to the refrigeratorscommunity where you canfind cereals, eggs andother free food isThese New Yorkers arefighting hunger.the immigrants wereexcluded, we do not receive anykind of help and I’m a mothersingle, I didn’t have any classeconomic aid or anything.survive.damais: this is the effort ofgood samaritan.he was a teacher in the bronx, hededicates to growing this network forhelp children and adultsthey do not receive the nutrientssuitable to staystrong and healthy.>> dignity is one of themore important things, peoplecan come to places wherefeel safe because everyonehuman beings deservemeal,it is a human right.damaris: every day theguardians teamrefrigerators, male volunteers,women and children helpingreceive donations and thendistribute food tocommunity refrigerators aroundfrom the city.that they can havefood to feed yourfamily themselves.damaris: the volunteersThey also take care of therefrigerators to fill a wholevegetables, who go withouthaving to leave a single penny.because how do people reactwhen he passes and sees the fridgefull?all the days come, takeand they bring.they don’t fight or anything.damaris: if you are a neighbor ofarea, you can bring a plate ofhouse or any other foodwhat do you buy in a winery orsupermarket and place it insidefrom the fridge.that is located in the171 from east 141 in the bronx,it’s one of the refrigeratorscommunity that arearound the city.for a complete list,visit the page that appears inscreen.