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Community Rallies to Save Greenland’s Fruit and Vegetable Shop from Closure by Municipality

For over 30 years there has been a fruit and vegetable shop in Smalgangen 2 in Greenland. Now it is in danger of being closed by the municipality. This has led to great commitment.

– The shop is particularly important for those with tighter finances, says Hawal Sahid from the podium.

“The greengrocers in Greenland are part of the district’s soul and identity”

“Diversity must be allowed to live”

“Without shops like this, I lose one of the already few links to my own culture”

“Preserve specialty stores that bring cultures together”

10,000 people have signed one campaigns about allowing Grønland Frukt og Grønt to continue running the grocery store in Smalgangen in Grønland.

– It is very touching. We have received many nice words, and we are very grateful for all the signatures and all the support we have received, says a moved Hawal Sahid.

Dispute over change of use

The backdrop is that the Planning and Building Agency (PBE) believes that there has never been an application for a change of use from an electrical shop to a grocery store on the premises.

There has been a grocery store here for around 30 years. PBE has notified compulsory fines and orders for closure. It will affect around 40 employees.

And the signatures keep pouring in. Dozens of people had turned up outside the store on Tuesday afternoon to show their support.

– For over three years we have fought to keep the store. But the battle is not over. We will continue until we have a permit in hand, shouts Sahid through the megaphone.

Hawal Sahid had a lot on his mind in his appeal during the demonstration to keep the shop: – For three years we feel that the municipality has worked against us, he says.

– Did everything we could

Sahid tells Aftenposten that they have done everything they can to meet the requirements from the municipality. Now it remains to be seen whether they will get their application approved to continue running a grocery store.

– I hope for a positive response from the municipality. Of course we want to get a permit.

– What requirements have you received from the municipality?

– The latter is about exits, delivery of goods and traffic. The municipality has made a number of demands, and we have fulfilled everything they have asked for, says Sahid.

The case has taken over three years, and now Sahid hopes that they can soon get a final answer.

Many people stop by to shop while the support marking is going on.

– The rules are there for a reason

In a post in Oslo newspaper comments department director Hanne Høybach in the PBE case.

– The rules are there for a reason, she points out.

Høybach believes that traffic is a problem, as there is a lot of life and it is cramped in the area. Then there are challenges when large lorries have to bring in goods to the grocery store.

– This can create very dangerous situations. We must ensure that it is safe to travel for the city’s citizens, says Høybach.

Høybach emphasizes that local greengrocers provide good city life.

– We hope that Grønlands Torg Frukt og Grønt can continue its business. It is well rooted in the local community.

Amira Hassab has turned up to support marking with a big message on a small notepad.

– Unfair

– I have been a customer here for four years now. It is unfair to lock the shop, says Amira Hassab. She was one of those who had turned up to show their support on Tuesday.

She says that the store is one of the few that has many items related to her culture available. Therefore, she hopes that the municipality does not decide to close the shop.

– The employees are worried. We don’t know if they have a job after July 12, says Hawal Sahid.

He believes that several employees in other shops in the popular street are also worried about their future if the fruit and vegetable shop disappears.

– They know how important our store is to them.

Sahid points out that these businesses are important workplaces for the minority population. Now Hawal Sahid will hand over the signatures to City Council leader Raymond Johansen.

– We hope that Raymond realizes how much this store means to people, to Greenland and to Oslo, he says.

2023-05-09 18:44:34

#municipality #threatens #close #popular #shop

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