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“Community of Long COVID Patients and Activists to Protest CDC’s Dropping of Isolation Guidelines”

Community of Long COVID Patients and Activists to Protest CDC’s Dropping of Isolation Guidelines

A community of “long COVID” patients and activists is gearing up for a march in Washington, D.C., to voice their concerns over the recent announcement from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC, on March 1, officially dropped its recommendation for people to isolate for five days after testing positive for COVID-19. This decision has sparked outrage among the community, leading to the formation of a group called LC/DC, which plans to stage a protest at the iconic Lincoln Memorial on March 15.

The LC/DC community describes itself as non-partisan and aims to raise awareness about long COVID. They firmly believe that reducing the isolation policy will lead to more infections, long-term illnesses, and disabilities. Paul Hennessy, one of the main organizers of the event, expressed his concerns, stating, “Our main objection is that it’s not based on a period of infectiousness, but false assumptions.” He further highlighted that the CDC has acknowledged that COVID can remain contagious for over 10 days.

Hennessy emphasized that the CDC’s role should be to provide the best guidance rather than negotiating with a deadly airborne pathogen. The previous recommendation from the CDC called for a 10-day isolation period for individuals with COVID-19. However, the recent decision to drop the five-day isolation requirement has raised questions about its potential political motivations. Hennessy stated, “It’s not lost on us that the CDC has made this decision during an election year. We’re not sure if this decision is political, but we do know from our research and standpoint that this was done arbitrarily and is more grounded in connivance than fact.”

Dara York, a nurse from San Francisco who has long COVID and is one of the organizers of the protest, expressed her disappointment in the CDC’s approach. She believes that the CDC is neglecting the issues related to COVID and abandoning those suffering from long COVID. York stressed the importance of recognizing the silent damage caused by the virus and the need for medical staff to receive training on long COVID.

The LC/DC group is advocating for a 10-day isolation period and two negative tests as the best approach for the health of society. Hennessy explained, “Unfortunately, vaccinated and unvaccinated people can still get COVID and long COVID or post-COVID complications. Or they can spread it to someone more vulnerable.”

In addition to protesting the CDC’s decision to drop the five-day isolation guidance, the group is demanding increased government funding for COVID and long COVID treatments. Hennessy stated, “Our ultimate goals are to raise awareness for long COVID and stress the urgent need for prevention, education, and treatments. There are no approved treatments for long COVID.”

Dr. Marc Siegel, a clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, supports the dropped five-day isolation period. He explained that the change is based on the fact that case counts and hospitalizations have significantly decreased. Siegel believes that having one set of guidelines for all respiratory viruses, including flu, RSV, and COVID-19, is essential.

Long COVID is a condition where symptoms of the virus persist for an extended period, typically three months or more. These symptoms can include fatigue, respiratory issues, cough, rapid heart rate, and neurologic symptoms commonly referred to as “brain fog.” According to the CDC’s 2022 National Health Interview Survey, approximately 18 million Americans reported ever having long COVID, with 8.8 million currently experiencing it.

Hennessy emphasized the long-term effects of COVID, such as viral persistence, damaged immune systems, organ damage, neurological complications, and cardiovascular issues. He shared a personal story, saying, “Someone I love who was otherwise fit and healthy now has microclots after a recent infection.” The LC/DC community is determined to bring attention to these long-term effects and the lack of support for those suffering from long COVID.

The protest at the Lincoln Memorial is scheduled for March 15 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The LC/DC community has reached out to the CDC and National Mall and Memorial Parks for comment on the planned protest. Their ultimate goal is to create awareness, advocate for prevention and education, and secure funding for COVID and long COVID treatments.

For more health-related articles, visit www.foxnews.com/health.


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