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Community Nursing and Future-Proof Care for Iron Deficiency Treatment

Community nursing

Patients always receive the first two treatments Gelre hospital in the day care department in Apeldoorn or Zutphen. If there are no complications or serious side effects during or after these treatments, a specialized nurse will administer the iron infusion to patients at their local location from the third time onwards.

Iron deficiency

Ferinject is a drug that quickly replenishes iron deficiencies in the body and is used as a treatment for anemia. It can also prevent iron deficiency in conditions where an iron deficiency can quickly develop, for example chronic intestinal disease, chronic heart disease and cancer. Patients then suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty concentrating and increased susceptibility to infections.

Future-proof care

Together with healthcare organizations Vérian and Sensire, Gelre hospitals want to offer patients more comfort by moving treatments to home or a location in the neighborhood. Patients no longer have to go to the hospital for treatment, which also frees up day care beds in the hospital for other patients. This care in the district locations is in line with the government’s aim for ‘Right Care in the Right Place’, in which patients receive appropriate and high-quality tailor-made care. This always concerns drugs that can be safely administered to the patient outside the hospital.

2023-09-12 06:00:39
#Hospital #moves #iron #infusion #administration #primary #care #Skipr

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