Ph: DR: Community Dialogue in Djougou
The populations of Soubroukou, a village in Djougou, in the Donga department received two special guests on Friday February 9, 2024. They are Ministers Véronique TOGNIFODÉ, in charge of Social Affairs and Microfinance, and Shadiya Alimatou ASSOUMAN, responsible for Industry and Commerce.
The two members of the Government, with their delegations, went to discuss with the populations of this village on the actions taken by the Executive to relieve their sorrows. On the menu, two main subjects in a nourished community dialogue: measures to protect girls and women and those relating to their economic empowerment.
As for the protection of Beninese girls and women, the audience, made up of village women leaders, municipal and local elected officials, religious and traditional leaders as well as young people, was briefed on the dangers linked to Genital Mutilation. Women and the means deployed by the State to remedy them. This theme was not chosen by chance. It was done to celebrate, like the international community, the day of the fight against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), with the support of the NGO WILDAF. And in this village and others nearby, pockets of resistance exist despite numerous awareness-raising actions.
At the end of this session during which the tightening of the legal system with regard to GBV including FGM was discussed, with the penalties incurred by the perpetrators, new commitments were made. Village leaders promised to ensure compliance with state requirements for better protection and development of girls. They also promised to work to eradicate early and/or forced marriages, and other violence against girls and women.
On the subject of women’s economic empowerment, the main course was the granting and reimbursement operations of the Alafia microcredit. According to the introductory remarks of Mr. Louis BIAO, Director General of the National Microfinance Fund, the statistics are not in favor of Djougou, more precisely Soubroukou. The causes listed by the audience make it clear that women encounter, on the one hand, difficulties in the formalities to be completed to benefit from credits from Decentralized Financial Systems and, on the other hand, obstacles at the level of their husbands.
“When your husband learns that you took the Alafia loan, he cuts off the meal money he used to give. You are forced to meet household expenses alone and in the end, you are unable to repay because the activity was not carried out well,” a woman beneficiary of Soubroukou complained to the two Ministers.
In response to the problems raised, Minister TOGNIFODÉ reassured that the difficulties relating to formalities should no longer continue. Because, she indicated, measures have been taken to facilitate access to credit for populations. It was recommended to the District Head to support women in issuing administrative documents. Decentralized Financial Systems have also been instructed to do everything possible to ensure that requests are met as quickly as possible. The opportunity was for the Minister and her colleague of Industry and Commerce to review the Government’s social measures to reduce the sentences of the grassroots populations.
At the end of the session which took place in a very friendly atmosphere, the religious leaders and women of Soubroukou expressed their satisfaction. They are very happy to have welcomed the Ministers and are reassured that the Government cares about their well-being. Crowned heads and wise men of Soubroukou greatly appreciated this approach which consisted of coming down to them to listen to them and help them resolve many problems.
Words of support and encouragement were addressed to the Head of State, President Patrice TALON.