jonathan: we continue with thisinvestigation on whatmighty who have becomemany parks in new york.between drugs, insecurity andindigence. alexander condis andmade a tour of corona,manhattan y brooklyn.Also, it has answers from theauthorities on this decision.but it might not be soencouraging.laejandro: it’s our roomtour of the parksNew York City.the park of the aéricas, incrown queens, the samecomplaints are repeated.Alejandro, how are you doing?drugs, alcohol, homeless,insecurity and crime.>> the man has had a lot to drink.Alejandro: and in front of thekids.>> yeah, that’s wrong.I think there should bea little more control, tothat these things do not happen.Alejandro: here’s a new onecomplaint that we had not heardin other parks, prostitutionin the surroundings.>> the atmosphere at night alreadyis different because there is a lotbar too.daughter and her niece withfrequency.does not see with good eyes that there issex workers for thezone.>> children imagine, if they seethey ask.more than anything the children who alreadythey are bignot for the little ones, but forthe biggest onesalexander: in some partslike this near timessquare, the authorities aredoing activities to bringbetter environment to these places,also set betterlinks with society.this Tuesday, the policeThey danced as part of thetoday’s celebration, but whathappens when the party is over?with the complaints we havenew york police answered.among other informationThey said they don’t answerDoubts about how you are handling thedanger epidemic, send tothat we consult theparks department.In turn, the Department ofparks asks us ifWe consulted the Department ofhomeless service.the latter has’s a hot potato y’allthey release it and nobody assumesresponsibilities.In Cuba we call that“rally”.the next step will be to contactto mayor eric adams.we got to this cooper park,not brooklyn.before the complaint of thisviewer who said thatthere was an incident in the bathrooma person who wasgetting high, and it was overassaulting a woman.being honest, intour we have done thislate, we have not seen more thanchildren playing, and a lottranquility in this park,except for today.Our fight will continue