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[Communiqué de Presse] Phitrust affirms its raison d’être and becomes a company with a mission

July 5, 2021

On June 30, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Phitrust met to adopt the status of a company with a mission. The shareholders of Phitrust, its president and founder Olivier de Guerre, its teams and all the stakeholders thus anchor the company’s DNA within a community of committed actors who place impact at the heart of their strategies. .

« Within Phitrust, we have always had two activities: one investing in the unlisted for inclusion, and the other in the listed, with a shareholder engagement activity. We are convinced that investors have a responsibility to exercise so that companies, and their leaders, accelerate the transition of their business model, and place social and environmental issues at the heart of their strategy. By including its raison d’être in its statutes, Phitrust continues its commitment and the action taken by its teams since its creation in 2003.» declares Olivier de Guerre, President.

The management company Phitrust therefore adopts the raison d’être: “To invest in order to act and to contribute to the growth of companies which include at the heart of their strategy the development of human beings and the preservation of our planet.” “

To bring to life its Reason for Existence, Phitrust adjoint 5 specific commitments which embody its identity and its action, in the service of the common good:

> Manage investment vehicles supporting the development of companies that put environmental and social impact at the heart of their strategies.
> Act as a committed shareholder with listed companies by exercising all the levers of shareholder engagement to develop their governance as well as their business models and their environmental and social practices.
> Act as a committed shareholder with unlisted companies carrying an inclusive vision of society by supporting their development.
> Encourage the emergence of partnerships / projects between these actors that bring innovative solutions
> Mobilize investors and stakeholders in favor of finance serving the common good.

« We fulfill our mission when we manage to support listed companies to change their way of acting, and non-listed companies to deploy their impact. » Denis Branche, Deputy CEO.

About Phitrust

Since its creation in 2003, Phitrust has been investing to act with large listed companies so that they change their E, S, and G (Phitrust Active Investors) practices – and with innovative social enterprises to give them the financial and human resources to change scale and deploy their impact (Phitrust Partenaires).

> The decisions of large companies on the distribution of the wealth created and on the allocation of capital in the economy have an impact far beyond their scope. They have become key players in the search for solutions to social and environmental challenges. By mobilizing institutional investors, Phitrust fully exercises its role of committed, constructive and demanding shareholder with them. With a single objective: alerting them to risks and supporting them in changing their business models. With more than 17 years of experience and direct relationships with the leaders of large companies, Phitrust is the only independent management company to have filed more than 45 resolutions at AGM.
> By mobilizing private and institutional investors towards innovative, committed and inclusive entrepreneurial projects, Phitrust opens a new space between private equity and philanthropy: beyond the financial contribution, we seek to create around entrepreneurs a network of experts and committed investors who will support them over the long term in order to multiply their impact for society. The economic profitability of their model is a guarantee of their sustainability. Patient capital, support, partnerships are an integral part of our business to foster an economy that integrates, without opposing them, the issues of inclusion and the environment. More than 30 social enterprises are supported by teams including Simplon, Lita, LemonTri, Alenvi, La Varappe, …
Phitrust has been a member of the Mission Business Community since 2020.

Contact: Stéphanie de Beaumont – Director of Development and Communication – [email protected]

Phitrust invests to act with large listed companies so that they can change their ESG practices (Phitrust Active Investors) – and with innovative social companies to give them the financial and human resources to change scale and deploy their impact (Phitrust Partenaires ). Two activities, one mission: to be a shareholder committed to impact.

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