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Communication with the Federal Constitutional Court and the Supreme Courts during the Corona Pandemic

Application according to the IFG/UIG/VIG Hello, please send me the following:

a copy of all communication between the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Constitutional Court and the highest courts pursuant to Article 95 of the Basic Law during the period from January 1, 2020 to May 5, 2022. For communications that you consider confidential, please let me know the date on which the communication took place.

This is a request for access to official information in accordance with Section 1 of the Act Regulating Access to Federal Information (IFG) and Section 3 of the Environmental Information Act (UIG), insofar as environmental information within the meaning of Section 2 Paragraph 3 UIG is affected, and Section 1 of the Act to Improve Health-Related Consumer Information (VIG), insofar as information within the meaning of Section 1 Paragraph 1 VIG is affected. If you believe that access to information is subject to a fee, I would ask you to inform me of this in advance and to provide a detailed breakdown of the expected costs. In my opinion, this is a simple request for information. Fees are therefore not incurred under Section 10 IFG or the other regulations. Expenses may not be charged under BVerwG 7 C 6.15. If you wish to charge fees, I request an exemption or, alternatively, a reduction in the fees in accordance with Section 2 IFGGebV. I refer to Section 7 Paragraph 5 IFG/Section 3 Paragraph 3 Sentence 2 No. 1 UIG/Section 4 Paragraph 2 VIG and ask you to provide me with the requested information as soon as possible, but no later than one month later. If this deadline cannot be met, you must inform me of this within the deadline. I ask you to reply by email in accordance with Section 1 Paragraph 2 IFG. I expressly object to my data being passed on to third parties outside the authorities. If you wish to reject my application, please provide me with the document titles and a detailed explanation. I would like to ask you to confirm receipt and thank you for your effort! Kind regards, Rufus Buschart Request number: 316097 Reply to: > Upload large files for this request here: Postal address Rufus Buschart >

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