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Commune Mayor Offers Trip to Motivate Students in Gorbănești, Botoșani County

A commune mayor from Botoșani County offered the best students from the village school a trip out of his own pocket. The mayor walked them to educational and cultural objectives to motivate them to learn even better.

The group of children on a trip PHOTO Ionuț Melinte

The commune of Gorbănești is located approximately 40 kilometers from Botoșani and has eight villages. However, most of the hamlets are aging, and one of them, called “Mihai Eminescu”, has only four inhabitants.

Most of the students have been assigned to the school in the center of the commune and are brought to learn by school minibuses. As in most rural settlements in Moldova, in Gorbănești there are enough students who come from needy families or who struggle to earn a living by working abroad. There are children who, due to poverty and household work, drop out of school or simply learn sub-mediocre.

Deserving students, taken on a trip by a mayor, at the expense of FOTO Ionuț Melinte

In order to motivate them not to drop out of school and to have good results, which would allow them a qualification and a better life, the mayor of Gorbănești, a 31-year-old young man, thought of rewarding the best in learning. This summer, he offered them a trip to Bucovina, and the trip and all expenses were paid for by the mayor from his own pocket.

“I promised to reward the winning students”

The idea of ​​rewarding the best primary and secondary school students came last fall, with the start of the school year. Present at the opening, to motivate the students, the mayor promised the prize winners a reward during the summer vacation.

“At the beginning of the school year, I promised that I would reward award-winning children, but also those who will get high marks in the National Assessment. I let them choose what the reward will be”, stated Ionuț Melinte, the mayor of Gorbănești.

Pupils from the village, taken on a trip as a reward for good results PHOTO Ionuț Melinte

The students chose to go on a trip to Bucovina. The mayor decided to pay for this trip from his own budget precisely to avoid discussions in the local council regarding the spending of public money.

“We tried to draft a local council decision, but the contradictions started. I didn’t understand why! So I decided to pay everything from my own pocket because these children had to be rewarded”, adds the mayor.

In total, 23 children with the highest averages and also those with the best results in the National Assessment were chosen and, together with the mayor and some teachers, went on the trip.

An educational journey

The excursion was organized, last week, in Bucovina and included the visit of some important monuments and natural objectives, such as the Rădăuți Zoo, the Seated Citadel of Suceva, the Marginea traditional pottery workshop, the medieval monasteries, the Salina Cacica. As the mayor says, the trip was both relaxing and educational.

“We walked, we visited, we experienced. Excursions are the most beautiful memories”, says the mayor of Gorbănești.

Many students used, for example, the potter’s wheel for the first time, in the famous Marginea workshops. For many children, the trip was the best reward. in the conditions where there are children who have never been on such a trip before or whose parents would not afford it.

“It’s nice that this is how they see the world, they learn by seeing and living experiences like this. Some may not afford it and don’t have the chance. And in the end I feel that they also had a reward for having learned well”, says a villager from Gorbănești.

Edil concerned with education

The mayor from Gorbănești is known for his educational projects. He says education should be a priority in rural areas in particular.

Last fall, in Gorbănești, the central school was completely modernized, where students from almost all villages are brought. The school was repaired and equipped with more than 220,000 euros, according to European standards.

In addition to the usual repairs, the school was equipped with computers, new furniture, modern teaching equipment, but a multifunctional sports field was also set up.

2023-08-14 16:03:09
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