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Common Symptoms of Acute Hepatitis in Children that Need to be Watched : Okezone Lifestyle

EMERGENCE Acute hepatitis in children, also known as a mysterious illness, is a phenomenon of concern in the world. In general, the initial symptoms of acute hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by low-grade fever.

Furthermore, the symptoms will get worse, such as thick urine like tea and pale white stools. According to Dr dr Muzal Kadim, SpA(K), Head of the IDAI Gastro-Hepatology Coordination Work Unit (UKK), the main step to prevent the severity of acute hepatitis is that parents must understand the symptoms of acute hepatitis. acute hepatitis the.

“First, of course, if there is a fever, you can give fever-reducing medicine. At home, many mothers usually have it prepared. What else do you have to prepare fever-reducing medicines,” said Doctor Muzal.

Doctor Muzal reminded parents to look at the reaction or condition of the child’s body after being given the first drug (reducing fever). If there is nausea or vomiting, can be given a nausea reliever medication, also pay attention so that the child is not dehydrated.

“For example, if the vomiting is quite frequent, yes, if you have anti-vomiting medicines at home, of course you can. In order not to become dehydrated, it is important to give fluids that are important to drink (can be given every 3-5 minutes),” he explained.

But he reminded that diarrhea is a common disease, experienced by children 2-3 times a year. If the child does not change for the better, he asks parents to immediately take their children to the nearest health facility (Puskesmas/RS).

READ ALSO:Prevent Acute Hepatitis, Doctor Reminds to Keep Children’s Hands Clean!

“Usually, an endemic event in Indonesia, this often occurs in children, two or three times a year, the cause is Rotavirus (diarrhea). In accordance with diarrhea, if for example it still continues, it can be taken to the hospital,” he added.


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