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Common Gastrointestinal Parasites in Cats: Symptoms, Prevention, and Impact

Parasites in the digestive tract of cats It is a common health problem. and often causes the digestive system to malfunction

Parasites in the digestive tract of cats This causes various symptoms that can be observed as follows:

Most cats with gastrointestinal parasites show symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, loss of appetite, anal irritation, anemia, and blood in their diarrhea.

If the cat is young May result in slow growth and weak and not strong In some cases there are parasites in the body. There may not be any clearly visible signs of abnormality. But there is a risk of being a carrier of the parasite to other cats. Additionally, it is important that some types of parasites in cats can be transmitted to humans as well.

Groups of parasites that are commonly found in cats include:

Group of roundworms (Roundworms)

1.Earthworms The most common type in cats is called How many toxocara? and Toxascaris leonine The adult parasites release eggs in the cat’s digestive tract. and mixed with feces outside the animal

Parasitic eggs released in cat feces can remain in the environment for nearly a year. Transmission to other cats can occur in two ways: Cats acquire parasite eggs through eating contaminated eggs. Or a cat eats an animal that is an intermediary carrier, such as a rat that has larval parasites in its body, etc.

For kittens, they can be infected with roundworms. How many toxocara? from receiving parasitic larvae through breast milk from the mother By a female cat that is pregnant and has parasites Parasitic larvae often migrate to the mammary glands. and is excreted into the milk when the kitten sucks It is the main cause of infection in kittens.

2. Hookworm (Hook worm) is a roundworm in the small intestine that is commonly found in many countries around the world. This type of parasite causes damage to the intestinal wall. And it is the cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, and weight loss.

Most hookworms enter the body through the cat’s food intake. The cat eats parasitic wax that is contaminated in the environment. or eating a carrier animal that has parasite larvae It can also be contracted by parasite larvae in the environment that penetrate the cat’s skin.

Hookworms that are commonly found in cats are: Ancylostoma tubaeforme and Uncinaria stenocephala

Photo: Jack Brind / Unsplash

Group of flatworms (Tapeworms)

Tapeworms live in the small intestine of cats. It has a long, flat body with segments connected to each other. Within each segment there are parasite eggs. by the last segment that is fully developed Will fall out and mix with the cat’s feces.

We can observe flatworm segments in the stool. Or sometimes it falls on the cat’s bed. The segments of the parasite are small white in appearance, resembling cucumber seeds. and can move

The life cycle of tapeworms requires an intermediate host, such as flea larvae. The intermediary host will eat the eggs in the environment. It then develops into a larval stage that can be transmitted in the intermediary host. Cats get tapeworms from an intermediary host. with parasite larvae into the body or from eating rodents Like a rat with parasites

Tapeworms that are commonly found in cats are: Canine dipylidium and A tape-shaped tape

Preventing parasites in cats

Prevention that is widely recommended by veterinarians is Giving deworming medication Kittens should receive deworming medication every 2 weeks, starting from 3 – 4 weeks of age until 10 weeks of age.

After that, deworm every 3 – 6 months, depending on the risk of coming into contact with parasite carriers. In adult cats It should be dewormed every 3 – 6 months, so if you let your cat come into contact with the outside environment regularly, Veterinarians recommend deworming every 3 months.

Deworming cats is a very important basic health care step. and to prevent disease in cats Including being able to prevent the transmission of certain types of parasites to humans as well.

Information from
Dr. Piyawan Phurahong, veterinarian at Cat Hospital PURRfect Cat Hospital

Other interesting topics: external and internal parasites and deworming

2024-01-04 15:28:46

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