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common female disease predicted by weight and height in childhood

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease in which endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grow outside this layer.

This disease is accompanied by excruciating pains in the pelvic area and can lead to infertility. It also increases the risk of developing other serious diseases, including heart and cancer.

Despite the numerous data and existing treatment, the causes of endometriosis, as well as risk factors, are still not exactly established.

In a new study, researchers from Denmark found that the likelihood of a woman developing a disease may depend on seemingly unexpected factors.

The authors studied the medical data of more than 170 thousand patients born in 1930-1996. Each of them aged 7-13 years old was measured height and weight. These data became fundamental in the new work.

During the observations, 2149 cases of endometriosis and 1410 cases of adenomyosis (internal genital endometriosis) were recorded.

An analysis of the data showed that women who had a higher body mass index (BMI) in childhood had a lower risk of developing endometriosis than those who had thinness and high growth in childhood (respectively, and a lower BMI).

For example, if at the age of seven years, one girl weighed about 2.3 kilograms less than the other, then the likelihood of developing endometriosis in her increased by 8% compared with a more well-fed peer, the researchers say.

Meanwhile, a difference in growth of about 5.2 centimeters was associated with an increase in risk of 9% (in a taller girl).

It is noted that such a correlation was not found in relation to adenomyosis. There was also no relationship between the risk of developing endometriosis or adenomyosis and body weight at birth.

Experts believe that the correlation found is most likely associated not with socio-economic factors, but with biological mechanisms, since the trend has persisted for 66 years.

“Our results show that risk indicators [развития эндометриоза] can be obtained at an early age. This can help speed up the diagnosis so that treatment can be started in a timely manner and slow the growth of endometrial tissue, “said lead author Julie Aarestrup of the Danish Center for Clinical Research and Prevention.

In the future, scientists intend to find out what explains the data.

In their view, increased estrogen levels can play a key role. During puberty, this hormone is crucial for growth “tall” and at the same time, it promotes the growth of endometrial cells.

As for the body mass index, this relationship is more difficult to explain. Greater body weight, as a rule, is associated with an earlier onset of menstruation and, as new work has shown, with a decrease in the likelihood of developing endometriosis. However, there is strong evidence that early menstruation, in contrast, is a risk factor for the development of this disease. Therefore, puberty is unlikely to explain the new results, experts conclude.

According to the results of their research, they published an article in the publication Annals of Human Biology.

Recall earlier News. Science” (nauka.vesti.ru) talked about a new treatment for endometriosis that does not lead to infertility.

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