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“Commodity King Jim Rogers warns of worst bear market in lifetime due to global debt”

Get ready|”Commodity King” warns: the worst bear market in your lifetime is coming

“Commodity King” Rogers (Jim Rogers) once again warned that in the past 14 years, global debt has grown alarmingly, and he is preparing for the worst bear market in his lifetime (the worst in my lifetime). Rogers pointed out that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by too much debt, and that borrowing has ballooned since then, reflecting a much deeper recession ahead.

Rogers predicts that there will be problems in all markets, including the real estate market, stock market, bond market, currency market, etc. Although he did not describe the problem, he pointed out that you must learn to cash out or sell short in order to survive the coming crisis (You have to learn about cash or selling short in order to survive what’s coming).

In addition, Rogers warned that the global dominance of the dollar is under threat and that higher interest rates are needed to stem the surge in prices. He thinks interest rates around the world will rise, but he doesn’t yet know how high rates will need to be raised to curb inflation. He pointed out that when inflation occurs, the best investment is real assets, and real assets are commodities, and holding commodities is the best hedging option against inflation.

Finally, the U.S. debt ceiling crisis loomed, and Rogers was dissatisfied with the way the U.S. government handled it. He also said that many countries are currently looking for a currency that can replace the U.S. dollar, and the reason is the U.S. debt problem.

Source: General Report


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2023-05-30 07:34:07
#readyCommodity #King #warns #worst #bear #market #lifetime #coming

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