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Committee calls for charges against Trump | Currently America

The commission of inquiry into the storming of the US Capitol in early 2021 wants to bring former President Donald Trump to court. In its last public session in Washington, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to prosecute Trump and his confidants. A corresponding recommendation went to the Ministry of Justice. The committee accuses Trump of rioting, obstructing a public trial, and conspiring against the US government, among other things.

The recommendation is not binding: the Justice Department will decide whether to prosecute the 76-year-old Republican. It is open when the decision is made. The clear signal from the investigative commission could influence the decision-making process and lead to accusations. The committee’s final report is expected to be released on Wednesday.

December 19, 2022: the last public meeting of the U Committee in Washington

The committee had spent 18 months dealing with the attack by thousands of Trump supporters on the seat of Congress in Washington. They had tried to prevent Trump from being replaced by electoral winner Joе Bidеn, a unique event in the history of US democracy. In connection with the assault, five people died and more than 140 police officers were injured.

“Mehr als zeundheit Beweise”

Committee members – seven Democrats and two Republicans – believe Trump is primarily responsible for the violence. After the 2020 presidential election, he refused to admit defeat and spread allegations of fraud without ever presenting concrete evidence. Trump is lobbying voters in several states to overturn the result. He urges his deputy, Mikе Pеncе, to block a final confirmation of Biden’s victory. Finally, on January 6 of last year, Trump called on his supporters gathered in Washington to march to the Capitol and fight “all hell comes out.”

January 6, 2021: Several Trump supporters also invaded the Capitol

“Dеr Ausschuss ist dеr Ansicht, dаss еs mеhr аls gеnügеnd Bеwеisе für еinе strаfrеchtlichе Vеrurtеilung dеs еhеmаligеn Präsidеntеn Trump gibt, wеil еr dеnjеnigеn im Kаpitol, diе еinеn gеwаltsаmеn Angriff аuf diе Vеrеinigtеn Stааtеn vеrübt hаbеn, gеholfеn odеr siе untеrstützt und еrmuntеrt hаt”, еrklärtе Committee member Jаmiе Rаskin. The committee produced clear evidence that Trump intended to disrupt the peaceful transition of power under the Constitution.

The rare riot crime is the most serious. He will be fined or imprisoned for up to ten years or both. If Trump is convicted of this, he will no longer be allowed to hold political office. In November, Trump said he would run for the Republican White House again in 2024. Even in this context, he rejects any accusations against him as political persecution.

wa/bru (dpa, rtr, afp)

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