Home » today » News » Commissioners Vesteger and Wojciechowski have the say on dropping the cap on Ukrainian help – 2024-06-28 07:40:51

Commissioners Vesteger and Wojciechowski have the say on dropping the cap on Ukrainian help – 2024-06-28 07:40:51

Whereas the composition of the brand new fee is shaped, the proposal of Bulgaria, Romania and Poland might be accepted

On June 24, on the assembly of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries, the delegations of Bulgaria and Romania, supported by Poland, submitted a proposal to drop the the ceiling from 280,000 euros on the so-called Ukrainian help. The letter with the motives of the petitioners was despatched to Margrethe Vesteger and to Janusz Wojciechowski.

The Deputy Chairman of EC Margrethe Vesteger, who’s in command of competitors coverage, and Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski have a number of choices.

It is the primary one to go away the issue to the subsequent composition of the EC.

At yesterday’s assembly of the European leaders, the place of Ursula von der Leyen because the President of the EC – second time period – was accepted. The Portuguese Antonio Costa acquired assist for the place of EU Council President, and the Estonian Kaja Kalas for the EU Excessive Consultant for Overseas Coverage and Safety.


Till and if Ursula von der Leyen is confirmed as union president, there are at the very least three extra weeks. On July 18, the European Parliament will vote on her candidacy, which, in line with observers, won’t go easily. It’s attainable that she is going to once more search the assist of the Greens, and if she does, the farmers will in all probability take the trail of protests once more.

After the approval of the European Parliament, there might be a protracted interval for the composition of the Fee and its voting by the MEPs.

Till these phases are handed, if Vesteger and Wojciechowski want, the proposal of the three jap EU nations might be confirmed.

And it may be rejected.

Within the EC, nothing is completed with out thorough analyzes of the influence of the proposed acts. And till the officers do them, will probably be at the very least two months.

We recall that one of many calls for of the farmers’ protests of September 2023, which ended with the signing of a memorandum between the authorities and the protesters on September 20, was for Prime Minister Academician Denkov and Minister of Agriculture Vatev to demand from the EC to take away the ceiling on Ukrainian help. The ceiling was not eliminated, however raised to 280,000 euros, which turned a reality with an official EC announcement on November 21, 2023.

These are the explanations acknowledged within the request of Bulgaria and Romania, supported by Poland, in one other insistence on dropping the ceilings on June 24. They’re printed on the web site of the Council of the EU.

Bulgaria, Romania and Poland need to listen once more to the influence of the struggle in
Ukraine on agricultural manufacturing, specifically the rise and retention of excessive costs of used fertilizers, plant safety merchandise, feed and vitality sources and the necessity for assist for all affected farmers (…

Based on level 62, letter (a) of the Disaster Framework, the person restrict of an enterprise c
major agricultural manufacturing for the interval of implementation of the Disaster Framework quantities to
280,000 euros. Furthermore, this ceiling applies cumulatively with the earlier disaster framework and accordingly some bigger farmers have already reached this ceiling in 2022. When making use of the state help with the present ceiling of €280,000 in 2023, a few of the farms in animal husbandry and plant husbandry, which hold a bigger variety of animals and/or domesticate bigger areas with agricultural crops, might be fully excluded from assist.

When the assist schemes are carried out in 2023 or 2024, extra farms have reached the ceiling and accordingly the chance to obtain assist beneath the assist measures notified in 2024 or foreseen is misplaced. That is very true for combined farms that elevate animals and domesticate land. This places farms with a bigger variety of animals and/or extra arable land at an obstacle in comparison with different holdings, which doesn’t enable them to acquire funds to cowl the rise in the price of producing agricultural merchandise. Because of this, a big variety of cattle, areas with perennial and vegetable crops, in addition to greenhouse manufacturing are fully excluded from this assist.

On this regard, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland once more insist on amending the Disaster Framework by:

  • Removing of the person restrict of an enterprise in major agricultural manufacturing to EUR 280,000, or
  • Rising the person restrict of an enterprise in major agricultural manufacturing to 560,000 euros. (…)

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