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Commission plans to open restaurants on March 22nd | Switzerland

SWITZERLAND [NEWS SERVICE] ⋅ The national economic commission is just in favor of reopening the restaurants on March 22nd, and would like to make a corresponding change in the Covid-19 law.

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With 12 to 11 votes with 1 abstention, the decision of the Economic Commission of the National Council (WAK-N) was extremely narrow. A majority is of the opinion that the epidemiological situation allows the cultural, entertainment, leisure and sports facilities to open on March 22nd, as the parliamentary services announced on Saturday. Accordingly, two articles in the Covid-19 law are to be changed.

The WAK-N is thus following the National Council’s Health Commission, which has previously spoken out in favor of faster opening steps.

The Federal Council has announced that restaurant terraces will be opened for the first time on March 22nd, but it has linked this step to certain indicators such as the positivity rate, the occupancy rate of the intensive care beds and the number of reproductions.

SP criticizes muzzle for task force

In addition to the aforementioned openings, the majority of the WAK-N also want to abolish the 5-person rule indoors, allow the terraces to be used for take-away establishments and create planning security for major cultural and sporting events.

In addition, the Commission requests that the Federal Council may order closings of public facilities or the obligation to work from home in justified exceptional cases for a maximum of 90 days. In addition, in the opinion of the majority of the Commission, the public should be informed about the federal measures exclusively through the Federal Council and Parliament, as stated in the communication. This is to be understood as a clear swipe at the scientific task force.

The minority within the WAK-N argued that setting the opening step in the Covid-19 law on March 22 would prevent the Federal Council from reacting flexibly to the pandemic. In a statement, the SP also criticized the fact that the majority wanted to oversteer the Federal Council with the resolutions passed. In addition, the members of the task force are to be muzzled. That is a completely untenable and undemocratic demand, it says in the communication.

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