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Commercial Lunar Module Fails to Land on the Moon Due to Fuel Glitch: Astrobotic Technology

It was supposed to be a historic American return to the moon. Astrobotic Technology’s Peregrine module was supposed to be the first commercial robotic module on the Moon. He was supposed to conduct approximately 15 scientific experiments on the surface and prove that private companies can also engage in space exploration. However, Astrobotic Technology has now announced that the rover will not land on the moon due to a glitch that led to high fuel consumption. The company will try to get the module as close as possible to the moon before it runs out of fuel and shuts down. It informs, for example CNN.

The Vulcan rocket carrying the Peregrine module successfully launched to the moon on Monday. The control center managed to successfully guide the module to a translunar path, along which the module went to the Moon. Subsequently, however, the module began reporting problems with the engines and with fuel leaks and the ship’s inability to turn properly towards the Sun, which powers the ship’s systems. The turning of the ship was later resolved. However, the ship has lost a large amount of fuel while maneuvering and the original problem with the engines cannot be resolved.

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“Peregrine’s engines had to run much longer than they were designed to in order to prevent the ship from flying out of control,” the company said. On Monday night, the company said the ship had fuel for approximately 40 hours of operation.

At the same time, in the afternoon she published the first images from the surface of the ship, which clearly show the damage to the engines.

The company Astrobotic has announced that it is giving up the attempt to land on the moon for the first time since the 1950s. Given the current state of the ship, they will try to bring it as close as possible to the surface of the moon. However, when it runs out of fuel and is no longer able to turn towards the Sun, the ship goes silent forever.

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So far, only four countries and their space agencies have managed to land on Earth’s natural satellite – the US, Russia, India and China; the fifth could be Japan, if in two weeks it is possible to successfully land its module, which took off from the Earth last September. Japan could also have taken the lead among private companies, but ispace’s machine crashed on the moon last April, four months before the failure and fall of the Russian lunar module.

2024-01-09 11:07:00
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