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news/2023/05/13/168399642499072.jpg?resize=900%2C675&ssl=1" width="900" height="675" layout="responsive" alt="С пачки от по 200 евро, вувузела и димки абитуриентите от Търговската гимназия се сбогуваха с училище">
The twelfth graders had prepared properly for today’s celebration
With bundles of 200 euros each (of course fake, b.a.)a powerful vuvuzela and smoke for the graduates of the Commercial High School in Burgas they said goodbye to their favorite school.
The dispatch was this afternoon, eh hundreds of studentsparents and friends gathered in the courtyard of the elite school, to give thanks for everything they have learned in recent years and say goodbye to the teachers.
After the celebration, they headed to the Summer Theater where they have a big concert tonight.
„It is unlikely that our lessons will help everyone, but if even a speck of our spirit takes with it and passes it on, it will be happiness for us. I am glad to see you here today—the last line of a living novel and a submissive peak. Not goodbye, but boldly forward,” said director Pavel Chepov.
It made an impression that the girls and most of the boys were stylish. And with the naked eye, you could see that their outfit was not cheap at all, and the send-off turned into a fashion contest.
The ladies were brave – they bet on yellow, green dresses, with sequins, there were also lovers of the so-called “dark style”. The boys were more conservative, opting for sporty-chic attire for their last day of school.
A star also rose at the send-off – the young singer Karine Aslanyan, who is finishing the 12th grade. She demonstrates good singing abilities and stage behavior, and if she decides to develop in this way, she will certainly succeed.