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Commercial Employee Day: why it is celebrated today


He Commercial Employee Day is celebrated every September 26 in Argentina in order to remember all those who belong to this sector. This date was promoted by the Argentine Federation of Commerce and Services Employees (FAECYS), together with the business chambers of each activity, with the aim of providing a day of rest to all its workers. This year, this holiday was moved to Monday September 30 to guarantee the long weekend.

This day also commemorates the trajectory of this industry in the country, in memory of the passing of a law, which establishes new labor rights for its collaborators.

On Monday, September 30, many retail chains and other establishments will not open their doors to the publicHernan Zenteno – La Nacion/Hernan Zenteno

The date refers to September 26, 1934the day on which Law No. 11,729 was passed, which established labor relations in the sector. It was thanks to the efforts of the Argentine Federation of Business Employees that these advances were achieved, under the presidency of Agustín Pedro Justo. Thanks to this struggle, it was possible to obtain greater labor rights, leave for illnesses and accidents and compensation for dismissal, among others.

It was on December 10, 2009 that Law No. 26,541 was passed and this day was established. In its letter it was stated that “commercial employees will not perform work, assimilating it to national holidays for all legal purposes.” Those employers who ask their collaborators to report to their jobs during this day must pay double, according to the Employment Contract Law.

Although this day is celebrated every September 26on this occasion, the day will be moved to Monday 30 in order to give a long weekend to workers in this sector. That is to say, Employees will have a sectoral work holiday to rest.

Faecys indicated in a statement that “on the Monday in which the Commercial Employee Day “It cannot be granted as compensatory weekly rest leave.” Then add “all workers who perform as employees or workers in any of the branches of commerce or in civil activities for profit or as administrators in industrial farms in general, or that have outlets for the products they produce, and in agricultural businesses.

Commercial employees will have a holiday on Monday, September 30Alberto Armendariz

It is possible that most businesses, large supermarket chains, shopping centers, among others, will not open their doors during this Monday, the 30th.. However, this may not affect all businesses, since it will depend on each of them whether they want to join this initiative or not.

It is one of the largest unions in the country, which according to the Studies and labor Statistics carried out by the Argentina Occupations Observatory (YES)In June 2024, it is made up of more than 1,226,900 people.

During the month of September, those who belong to this sector receive a 4% increase in their salaries, which refers to the third and final installment of their joint agreement. In this way, the basic salary is $858,200 with presenteeism.

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