THIS IS NOT A DISEASE PANDEMIC, THIS IS A WORLD HYBRID WAR AGAINST PEOPLE! If you ever wonder what it’s like to be in the EPICENTER of a MODERN HYBRID WAR, then look around, there you are! ————————————————— –
THE TRUE VIRUS is the WORLD OCCULT and BANKING MAFIA decomposing the science of medicine, using the media and the social system that legitimize it (CAPITALISM, everything is money) and their PUPPETS in our country, all over the EU and elsewhere. ————————————————— – NONE OF THE ABOVE WILL NOT tell you that your bodies have built-in self MECHANISMS aND PROTECTION OF ALL, and came not to sabotage you and PHARMA junk, poor and low FIZICHIESKA and mental ACTIVITY CONTAMINATED air and food, and media POISONS with a MAIN COMPONENT, YOUR BODIES CAN DEAL WITH EVERYTHING !!! THEREFORE, STOP LISTENING TO THE STINKS (mass advertising, agitation and disinformation – the Egyptians and their prostitutes), GET OUT in the fresh air, water and sun, practice sports, martial arts and yoga, stop meat, sugar, salt, salt … and all the ADVERTISED beauties from the zombie camera, enjoy Nature outside, do not isolate yourself with masks (from health), which the MAFIA imposes on you with DOMESTIC ARREST and muzzles, and at that time it is DIRTY! SELF-EDUCATE and SELF-TREAT YOURSELF – both the education and health systems are an instrument of the mafia to rule over us. The current “pandemic” is just an element of technology once successfully used to reduce Native Americans in North America. The essential elements of the “methodology”: – isolation of the objects in a closed environment, etc. – reserves. Or house arrest now, quarantine. – the appearance of an epidemic of smallpox or smallpox, then artificially introduced through infected objects (donated blankets). Coronavirus now. – restriction of access to living resources for the victims, accompanied by the permanent destruction of their economy (mass slaughter of bison) then. Robbery of the budget surplus, EU aid, artificial surplus (from theft), theft from public procurement, theft of state reserves, theft of military property and weapons (all for over 8.5 billion in just one week) now. – psychological treatment of objects by corrupting means (“fire water” then – now zombovisors, MasterChef, murfs …), etc., leading to physical, moral and moral degradation, accompanied by extremely low actions and behavior, including genderism and struggle for “toilet paper”. Given the fate of the Indians, the fate of contemporaries is obvious … “History repeats itself – the first time as a tragedy, the second time as a farce.” (Karl Marx). the first time the tragedy of the destruction (genocide) of the Indians, the second time of the natives (all of humanity), who are a new target for genocide, driven by the same banking mafia and its puppets in the EU and Bulgaria. Now history repeats itself just like a farce, because people already UNDERSTAND who the main enemy is – capitalism! And his push for power seems comical to normal people, though tragic to the sloppy and ignorant. ————————————————— ——————————— HERE IS ALSO ABOUT HOW EXACTLY IT CAME POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOU SHEEP SABOTING YOURSELF . ————————————————— ——————————– “Conspiracy Theory” is a term commonly used to discredit the truth. “It is a revolutionary act to tell the truth in times of universal deception.” “Silence is not an option: Silence is complicity.” “In general, the population does not know what is happening. He doesn’t even know that he doesn’t know “” The fool understands only what has already happened “- Homer” HEALTH IS BEFORE ALL THE STATE OF THE SPIRIT AND SOUL! “
The last warning of George Orwell (VIDEO-BG SUB)
Here is what the above-mentioned subjects are pushing you towards – the OCGs in their essence. The New Normality (FILM-BG SUB)
Number: 1 – The most important interview for anyone who wants to be free from the traps of the elite. THE VIDEO THAT HAS THE POWER TO KILL THE DOLLS OF DOLLS. (VIDEO BG SUB)
Planet Loskdown – interview with Catherine Austin Fitz (VIDEO-BG SUB) (Great explanation of the Plandemia and goals by a top expert)
What is the hysteria behind “Kovid”!
KOVID-19 genocide of 2020 and agenda 2030 (DOCUMENT + VIDEO)
The man, version 2.0. Wake up: Dr. Kerry Madey (VIDEO-BG SUB)
The control virus – part of the puzzle The Great Reset (VIDEO-BG SUB)
The Great Zero of 2021 or the Great Restart of everything and everyone in a way pleasing only to the elite Masons-Illuminati-Kabbalists-Satanists and outspoken PEDOPHILES (VIDEO – BG SUBTITLES)
Total Control Plan, Elite, Bill and Rockefeller’s Global Pandemic Plan developed in 2010. for now. (VIDEO) * IF YOU STILL HAVE THE LUXURY TO THINK CRITICALLY AND ACT ADEQUATELY, PLEASE DO IT! Be loaded, but not SHEEP PATIENCE, A COMMITMENT TO UNITED respond DUE hidden aggressor and its tentacles stretching all key LEVELS IN SOCIAL, financial, POLITICHEKSTA, scientific, religious and military-POLITSEISKATA system. ONLY WITH PROTESTS GENOCIDE BIGGER THAN THE FASCIST DOES NOT FIGHT! ————————————————— ————————————————— ——— Instead of finale ————– Disobedience as a civil duty to fight tyranny!