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Comments: I bought nails with a surprise! | Complaint board

Complaints Board Terms of Use

The “Complaint Board” section is a content platform where viewers and readers share their experiences and observations without Taboos.

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The user is responsible for the consequences that arise as a result of publishing, sending or posting such information on the content platform “Complaints Board” of the portal skaties.lv. The portal skaties.lv does not take responsibility for the truthfulness of the information posted by the user and the opinion expressed by the user, including for insulting the honor and dignity of a person, as well as for violating the intellectual property rights of third parties as a result of posting information.

If the editorial board of the skaties.lv portal finds the placement of the above-mentioned information on the content platform “Complaints Board”, it has the right to delete this information, as well as to deny the user access to the skaties.lv portal without prior notice.

Except for the above, the Portal reserves the right to delete or correct the posted materials in the “Complaints Board” section without any prior notice or explanation.

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