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COMMENT. Is this the world of tomorrow?

The legitimate desire for summer lightness does not adapt well to the heaviness of the world. A thousand pardons, then, if the torpor is not accompanied here by a few flashes of lightning. Provided they are lucid. Certain recent events deserve, in fact, that we dwell on them. They say a lot about the time and maybe the one to come.

To simplify the matter, let’s start with a riddle. What is the relationship between a rocket in space, signs with foul slogans, deadly floods and a Palme d’Or?

They are all a link between past and present and draw the contours of a world that could well become ours if we are not careful.

Our planet is suffering

52 years ago, on July 20, 1969, man walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong took a small step for man and a big step for mankind. Even if the American flag planted there the desire for supremacy of a nation, the feat was fairly unanimously shared, becoming a collective success, the culmination of a dream imagined by Jules Verne.

Today, it’s the billionaires who are building their own rockets, competing in a commercial race for space tourism. Of course, their personal exploits help advance scientific progress. But what is the goal, the message sent to space? Conquer it to leave an Earth that man will have polluted too much? Will the enrichment of a minority at the expense of the collective end up like in the cinema, Wall-E at Elysium ? Privileged people colonizing space, leaving waste or slums on earth …

Because our planet suffers and says it. The temperature rises, the pack ice melts, the rivers overflow, the sea rises and man suffers what he has engendered. The poorest look at the neighbor’s border and the richest, the stars …

Political and war crises are always born on the ground of hunger and poverty among the most deprived and of vengeful resentment among the most privileged. So can we never learn from the lessons of the past? As long as you don’t distort it.

Keep our eyes open

The filthy signs that we have seen in the ranks of anti-vaccine demonstrations or health passes are the markers of the trivialization of the unacceptable. Taking a photo of the Auschwitz gate, tampering with it to write on it: “The sanitary pass makes free” is a insult to the dead. And a danger for the future. It is always worrying to scroll through swastikas, even if they are devious.

Executioner, victim, childbirth of the monstrosity, there is in Titanium , the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, this metaphorical and often unbearable questioning of our future. Woman remains the future of man, but a woman so damaged that she too generates unlimited violence.

Are we really there?

Red lines have been crossed, but the worst is not certain. Determinism remains an avoidable path. The findings are there, known to all. Only blindness or the conspiratorial rewrite of the world can prevent seeing them. Let’s keep our eyes open.

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