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Commemoration of National Road and Road Safety Education Day: Municipality Distributes Helmets to Motorcyclists

Information | 05-10-2023

With a great response from neighbors, the municipality carries out awareness and prevention activities in commemoration of National Road and Road Safety Education Day, which takes place every October 5. The initiative continues during the day with the delivery of a hundred helmets to motorcyclists. Thus, it seeks to promote responsible driving as part of the initiatives promoted through the Ministry of Government, Citizen Security and Legal Affairs, through the area of ​​Road Safety Education.

Mayor Martín Gill accompanied the development of the activity, and in dialogue with the media he stated: “Today is a special day that invites us to reflect and become aware in the community, and that is why as a municipality we have thought about a proposal that “It spread throughout the entire week with multiple activities.” “To close, the day concludes with the delivery of adapted and regulatory helmets, because we believe it is essential to promote safe and responsible driving, taking into account that the highest accident rate in our city is recorded in accidents that have motorcyclists as victims. “, accurate.

Along these lines, the community leader highlighted the articulated work carried out together with the Cooperación Seguros firm: “We worked to raise awareness about the issue through the implementation of virtual reality resources, which allowed the neighbors, and fundamentally our young people, to delve into a road accident simulation appealing to greater awareness.” In addition, he highlighted the support of the National Road Safety Agency, with whom the provision of helmets was managed.

For his part, the head of the Government portfolio, Eduardo Rodríguez, emphasized that “the objective of this policy is to ensure that everyone can access the use of regulatory helmets, taking into account the cost of this type of protection and safety elements. ”. “Road accidents are a transversal problem that affects us as a country, and as a local government we are not going to give up,” he said.

It is worth mentioning that, of the total number of helmets, half of them were delivered during the morning hours, while the remaining amount can be requested by neighbors during the afternoon, who can also deliver their old helmets for later recycling. Such is the case of Adrián Svaraglia, who after leaving his and getting a new one, said: “I am very happy and grateful to the municipality that gives citizens the possibility of accessing these means of protection to circulate on the road. public.” Furthermore, he described that “the virtual reality experience reached me personally, and was very mobilizing to become aware of the dangers to which we are exposed.”

Likewise, neighbor Rita Adrueta expressed it, who emphasized that “I am very happy and grateful because I needed to renew my helmet for a while and this was a great opportunity.” “The use of helmets is essential to save lives, and I am very happy for these types of instances that invite us to keep it in mind more than ever,” she concluded.

In this order, the proposal will continue from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the delivery of elements to those who present their motorcycle documentation up to date, license and insurance. In all cases, one helmet will be delivered per family group, after measuring the user’s head.

2023-10-05 22:43:59
#Road #Safety #Education #Day #municipality #gave #helmets #motorcyclists #Plaza #Independencia

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