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Commemorating World HIV/AIDS Day: Semen Padang Hosts Mass Interactive Activities for Employees

Unique Campaign to Commemorate HIV/AIDS Worldwide: Semen Padang Holds Various Mass Interactive Educational Activities for Employees

Padang (Minangsatu) – In commemoration of World HIV/AIDS Day which is held every December 1, PT Semen Padang held joint gymnastics competitions, HIV/AIDS outreach and various quizzes which were participated in by employees within the Semen Padang Group, Friday (22/12/ 2023) morning.

The joint gymnastics competition which was held at the PT Semen Padang Head Office Plaza, was attended by hundreds of Semen Padang Group employees. The Director of Finance & General Affairs of PT Semen Padang, Oktoweri and a number of leadership staff, were also present to enliven the series of activities.

Director of Finance & General Affairs of PT Semen Padang, Oktoweri hopes that this joint gymnastics competition can become a means of education for employees. Because, in this joint gymnastics competition, there was also a presentation about HIV/AIDS by the company doctor to the gymnastics competition participants.

“Hopefully this activity will be a means of education for employees, and we also hope that the knowledge about HIV/AIDS gained at this event can be transmitted to the environment, especially to families, that the infectious disease HIV/AIDS is a dangerous disease for which there is no cure,” said Oktoweri .

Head of the Public Relations & Secretariat Unit of PT Semen Padang, Nur Anita Rahmawati added that on the momentum of World HIV/AIDS Day with the theme “Let Communities Lead” a number of activities were held by PT Semen Padang. Apart from the joint gymnastics competition, there was also socialization and education about the dangers of HIV/AIDS for high school students, a 1st ranking competition between work units and an HIV/AIDS Day billboard design competition.

“These various activities are held so that employees can understand the impact of this infectious disease, including how to prevent its spread,” said Anita.

PT Semen Padang Company Doctor Dr. Andy Riva Dana, in his presentation during the joint gymnastics competition, said that the issue of HIV/AIDS is a serious problem. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), is a disease that paralyzes the body’s defense system, so that people infected with HIV are easily exposed to other diseases.

The characteristics of HIV itself are known to only be able to survive and replicate within the human body and cannot live outside the human body. Meanwhile, AIDS, or with the abbreviation Acquired Immune, Defieciency Syndrome, are symptoms caused by HIV.

HIV/AIDS, he continued, is a deadly and contagious disease for which there is currently no cure. And, concentrated epidemics in certain populations can lead to epidemics in the general population. “This hidden epidemic has created an iceberg phenomenon. However, it needs to be emphasized that HIV/AIDS cannot be transmitted through social relationships,” he said.

Dr. Andy Riva added that HIV/AIDS can be transmitted due to several things, especially the use of non-sterile syringes and free sex. “For this reason, let’s avoid this potential. It is hoped that this socialization can instill understanding in all of us and the environment around us,” said Andy Riva.

One of the employees of PT Semen Padang, M Andeka Frandala, expressed his gratitude to the company management for facilitating employees in joint gymnastics competitions. According to him, this joint gymnastics competition activity can indirectly create a culture of morning exercise for employees.

Apart from that, this joint gymnastics competition is of course also an opportunity to increase friendship between PT Semen Padang employees, and can also increase employee cohesiveness. Because, after the joint gymnastics competition there was also a Rank I quiz which was participated in by employees between departments. “The competition for ranking 1 was very exciting, it turned out that most of the questions given came from the presentation about HIV/AIDS,” said Andeka.

Then, another benefit of this joint exercise, added Andeka, is the socialization and education activities from company doctors about HIV/AIDS. “For me personally, education and outreach about HIV/AIDS can increase my understanding of the dangers of HIV/AIDS,” concluded Andeka.

The joint exercise competition was also enlivened by the distribution of attractive door prizes from a number of sponsors such as Mandiri Inhealth, Semen Padang Hospital (SPH), and Hermina Mother and Child Hospital (RSIA). Apart from distributing door prizes, there were also free health checks from SPH.

2023-12-23 14:58:00
#Unique #Campaign #Commemorate #Worldwide #HIVAIDS #Semen #Padang #Holds #Mass #Interactive #Educational #Activities #Employees #minangsatu.com

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