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Commemorating 15th Anniversary of Father’s Death, Saddam Hussein’s Daughter Calls on Iraqis to Unite


Saddam Hussein’s daughter, Raghad, called for Iraqis to unite in a speech marking the 15th anniversary of her father’s death. Photo/Screenshot/Twitter

BAGHDAD – Daughter Saddam Hussein marks the 15th anniversary since his father’s execution by calling on the people Iraq to unite and accept change in the Arab world.

Sitting in front of a portrait of his slain father, Raghad Saddam Hussein said it was time for Iraqis to forgive each other regardless of sect or background.

“Even those who make mistakes,” he exclaimed as quoted from Al Arabiya, Friday (12/31/2021).

In his speech, Raghad said Iraq should not side with one Arab side over another.

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“We will urge them to avoid disputes and conflicts with each other because their strength is ours,” he said in a recorded message.

Raghad, who does not rule out a future in Iraqi politics, said that the only Iraqis who should not forgive others are the parents of the victims of the “October Revolution”. He was referring to protesters who were shot, beaten and killed by Iraqi security forces or supported militias Iran .

He said the victims were referred to as “food for fish.”

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