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Commando Core: Strengthen Upper Body with Dynamic Plank Exercise

A dynamic and more recreational alternative to the classic plank, the commando core significantly helps strengthen the upper body, including the abs and arms.

To get the most out of the commando plank you need to follow some important rules. This sports exercise is one of the most popular but also the most feared by muscle building enthusiasts.

Six pack abs with the plank – Thewisemagazine.it

His name is enough from military sound to make you pale: the commando plank. In reality, this exercise is inspired by the Pilates method. It is nothing more than an interesting variant of the classic plank, this exercise that is very popular on TikTok, in fitness studios and in salons, and which promises, through daily training, redesigned abdominals thanks to a static contraction.

Plank Commando: what it consists of and what are the benefits

What is the commando version really about and can we really expect a real return on investment? The answers of a sports coach. Practically the commando plank it is a dynamic movement. It consists of moving from a static position with the forearms to a push-up position, with outstretched arms. More precisely: once on the mat, lying face to the ground on tiptoe, you lift your body using your forearms, extending first one arm and then the other. Once both arms are straight, return to the starting position on your forearms, then stand up again, alternating sides.

Try this new exercise – Thewisemagazine.it

Consequentially, we gain strength and coordination. And the more we try to stay strong during the movement, the less we will move our torso and the more interesting the benefits will be. Another valuable benefit of this plank variation: It also mobilizes the shoulders. By changing the position of the arms and with the weight of the body, we will stress the stabilizing muscles of the shoulders, which are often not used enough in daily life. Depending of the chosen intensity and frequency, this movement can have real results on the upper body. For beginners, it is a way to learn to control the abdominal muscles, to use them better.

The more advanced levels, for their part, will be able to hope for more defined abdominals and arms through multiple weekly sessions and a progressive overload of ballasted weights in the lumbar area. Be careful, though, not to do the commando plank every day, especially if you’re just getting comfortable with your core. Ideally, you should start with a warm-up of a few seconds to a minute and make sure you hold the position correctly. Subsequently, you can perform 5 to 6 series of 45 seconds of movement, with 20 seconds of rest between each series, to be repeated 3 or 4 times a week.

2023-10-14 21:00:01
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