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“Coming to a different planet.” This is how astronauts described the feeling of returning to Earth after Corona

NASA astronauts Jessica Meir, Drew Morgan, and Russian astronaut Oleg Scribushka have lived on the International Space Station (ISS) since September last year, so they only experienced the outbreak of the Corona virus that began in China in December only from far away, but the trio will return to Earth on April 17th, confirming that they feel they are coming to a different world.

According to the American “space” website, Meir said that she and her colleagues know that things on Earth are not the same as they were, adding: “It is very strange to see everything unfold in front of us, after we were here for the entire period of what is going on on the ground.”

“It seems that we will fully return to another planet,” Meir said, but Meir, Morgan and Skripushka are fully prepared to deal with the staying orders awaiting them here on Earth. They have suffered stricter rules of isolation during the past six months aboard the International Space Station.

And theAstronauts manage this isolation in ways they have previously revealedMeir, for example, said that she and her fellow crew members exercise daily, not only to ward off bone loss and muscle wasting accompanying long-range spaceflight, but also to maintain their mental health.-

Astronauts stay in touch with friends and family via weekly video chats.

Meir said: “I think all of these things should be done only to make sure that you still stick to your protein, and maintain your mental health, so these are some things that can really help.” She added: “I think they will help people on Earth, as well as astronauts here In the space station. “

Three of the other astronauts will go to the International Space Station before the landing of Meir, Morgan and Skripushka, as NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy and Russian astronauts Anatoly Evanshin and Evan Wagner are scheduled to head toward the orbital laboratory on April 9.

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