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Comet Ponzi-Brooks: Rare Celestial Event Returns After 71 Years, Best Observation Period Now

Comet Pons-Brooks (12P/Pons-Brooks), which has returned for the first time in 71 years, has gradually entered its best observation period recently. Its current brightness is about 5th magnitude. As long as the weather is good, you can find it after dark at low altitudes in the northwest where there is no light pollution!

Comet Ponzi-Brooks

Comet Pons-Brooks (12P/Pons-Brooks), like the famous Comet Halley (1P/Halley), had observation records long before it was recognized as a periodic comet. Pons-Brooks was recorded in the Ming Dynasty history book “Ming Shilu” -The return of Comet Brooks in 1385. In addition, the periods and orbits of the two are also very similar, and they are both bright comets that only happen once in a lifetime. Comet Ponzi-Brooks will pass perihelion on April 21, and is expected to reach its maximum brightness of magnitude 4, but it will be too close to the sun to be easily observed. It is recommended to observe after dark from mid-March to early April in a light-free place with binoculars and other equipment. You may be able to see its fluffy coma and even its tail.

It is worth mentioning that a rare total solar eclipse will occur in North America on April 8 (2:00 a.m. local time on April 9). During the total eclipse period of more than 4 minutes, there is a chance to see comets and comets during the day. Wonderful sight of other bright stars appearing!

Photography suggestions

To successfully photograph comets, the method is similar to photographing the Milky Way. The first thing to do is to look for an open place without light pollution. In Taiwan, mountains are the first choice, followed by the seaside. In terms of equipment, it is recommended to use a camera or mobile phone that can take long exposures. The lens is preferably paired with an ultra-wide-angle or wide-angle lens so that the foreground and the comet in the sky can be included in the picture. Since a comet is a dynamic object, it is recommended to use a long exposure to capture its trajectory and beautiful tail. However, you should also pay attention to the exposure time, so as not to cause the stars in the sky to drag into star trails. For a super wide angle equivalent to 16mm, it is recommended that the exposure time be within 30 seconds.

When shooting, it is strongly recommended to try to stabilize the camera or mobile phone, and try to use it with a tripod if possible. Generally speaking, it is recommended to arrive at the preset shooting location before dark, set up the camera/mobile phone and adjust the composition while there is still natural light, and then wait patiently for the dark comet to appear. If you are not sure where the comet will appear, you can download a starry sky-related app (such as Stellarium Mobile) in advance. As long as you enter the correct date, time and location, you can know the direction and time when the comet appears. I wish you all the best to successfully photograph Comet Ponzi-Brooks.

via:Taipei Planetarium


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