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Comet Neowise: who has the most beautiful photo?

For several days, many photographers have been spending their nights watching the comet Neowise in the night sky and capturing it in pictures. In German-language Twitter, #Neowise is one of the trending topics because many users share their photos.

In Corona times, more people are probably at home during the holidays and have time to get excited about the rare sky spectacle. The comet Neowise was only recently discovered – namely in March, which is why it is also called C / 2020 F3.

According to NASA, comets are cosmic snowballs made of frozen gases, rocks and dust. When a comet approaches the sun on its orbit, it heats up, dust and gases fill a huge glowing head that is larger than most planets.

Every 5000 to 7000 years, the Comet Neowise comes so close to Earth that it can be seen with the naked eye. July 23 is the closest to our planet and is only 103 million kilometers away.

Here are some of the most popular tweets.

Several users puzzle over the “green core” of the comet.

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