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Comet Neowise was captured from the city of La Quiaca

JULY 25, 2020 – 01:30
A team from the TN channel exclusively transmitted the images. This astronomical phenomenon will reoccur in about 6,800 years.

It will be a remembered moment. The “TN Express” team captured exclusive images of the comet Neowise in the Argentine sky, from the city of La Quiaca, Jujuy. Last night, the astronomical phenomenon, which according to scientists will not happen again in 6,800 years, could be seen in its maximum splendor.

The good weather conditions in that area of ​​the neighboring province allowed the comet to be seen with the naked eye and clearly. This phenomenon did not occur in more than a decade, reason why it generated a great fascination and expectation.

Comet C / 2020 F3 Neowise owes its name to NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer mission, which discovered it in March 2020. Since it approached the Sun in early July, its brightness and long tail began to grow.

Through social networks, scientists and fans disseminated the first photos they could take from the northern hemisphere.

The comet is expected to reach its point of closest approach to Earth, at a distance of 103 million km. Scientists claimed that the comet is about five kilometers in diameter and its nucleus is covered in sooty material that dates back to the origin of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago.

Television capture of how he was seen in Jujuy.

In addition, it has the highest brightness among the last seven discovered, which made it possible to be seen with the naked eye. It is estimated that in the course of days it will move towards the south of the country, towards the northwest horizon, although it could not be distinguished with the same clarity.

Long-period comets take thousands of years to complete their journey through the Solar System, and in the case of Comet Neowise it won’t be seen again for up to 6,800 years.

This weekend it will shine like a fourth magnitude object, quite easy to see with the naked eye if you have a good dark sky. The comet has also been sporting a fine tail of dust of at least five degrees in length (the extended fist at arm length is approximately equal to ten degrees).

“It is a celestial body that is made up of organic materials, rocks and ice, which has an orbit -like anything that moves around the Sun- and that unlike an asteroid, in the vicinity of the Sun develops a tail or hair. Comets reflect sunlight, that is, they do not have their own light, ”Constantino Baikouzis, an astronomical researcher and director of the La Matanza Astronomical Park Program, told Infobae.

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