Home » today » Technology » Comet NEOWISE. Last chance to see her. It will appear again for 6.8 thousand. years! – o2

Comet NEOWISE. Last chance to see her. It will appear again for 6.8 thousand. years! – o2

Comet NEOWISE was visible in the sky almost all July. It could be seen over Poland. We must, however, say goodbye to her. On the night of Thursday to Friday (24/25 July), NEOWISE C / 2020 F3 passed through perigee.

Comet NEOWISE is darkening day by day

Comet NEOWISE C / 2020 F3 is less and less visible day by day. After she has passed the perigee, it will go further and further, until it finally completely disappears from sight.

Last chance to see Comet NEOWISE

This is the last moment to admire Comet NEOWISE with the naked eye. If we don’t do it in the coming days, it won’t be possible later. In August, it will be possible to observe it with binoculars and telescopes, later it will no longer be visible. Will come back only for 6.8 thousand. years!

Comet NEOWISE was discovered on March 27, 2020 by NASA. This was possible thanks to the NEOWISE telescope in space. The comet is made of ice and has a diameter of about 5 km.


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